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Son of Return of Estate Sales!

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It's feast or famine sometimes -- the past couple weeks we've gone to several houses and they've been pretty blah. A couple of weeks ago we got a Lane side table (early '60s maybe) and a tall lamp with a great canvas/linen shade for $50, but that's been it. Yesterday was good though, we went to 4 houses and bought things at 3 of them:


--one house had a bunch of collector plates (Norman Rockwell, Wedgwood, etc.). No souvenir plates unfortunately, but I bought a Presidents of the United States plate, through LBJ, for $4. I guess I'm SOL if I can't remember the presidents after LBJ :heart:

--another house had a wrought iron Lone Star we can hang outside ($15) and a green California pottery bowl/large cup, very faux-Fiestaware ($2.50)

--another house had a set of clay coasters from Disney World's Grand Californian hotel ($1.50)


The first house had a giant glass barrel-shaped container, maybe 2' tall, full of matchbooks, but we were peeking through the glass and there weren't any cool ones catching our attention. They wanted $65! That's a crazy high price, considering we got 2 bags of great matchbooks from all over the world for $4 a few weeks ago. Maybe the big glass container was valuable? :heart:

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OOH-winter/spring in New England = no yard sales-I used to collect old cameras and have a yard sale fetish-now I am after license plates, and can hardly wait for yard sale season to begin here:)))

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Old cameras look like a lot of fun to collect! We see lots of them. If I had the money and storage space I would probably collect anything utilitarian -- old cameras, typewriters, kitchen appliances, record players. These things look cool but are functional too.

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