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Therapy and School

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I'm going to start therapy as of March 12.




This is a good thing, but I am rather scared. I need it to get me to an even keel, seriously. I can't afford to be a wreck next quarter, though. The classes are getting more difficult and more important.


And I'm still upset that I can't take archaeology. Heh. I still tear up thinking about when I dropped it- LAST SPRING. I love my instructor.


Ah, well. I'm looking forward to all of my upcoming classes, actually, though I may try and get into the bio class that my archaology instructor's wife teaches instead of this one. I don't actually know anything about her, or the guy I have right now, so I guess it only matters if he sends me home in tears or something. Which, I guess, isn't such a difficult task for the first day of classes. They aren't until April 2nd, and winter quarter ends April 21st! This is causing me great joy. Stupid Lord of the Rings.


We are 9 weeks into a 12 week quarter, and last week, my LOTR instructor complained that our second 100 point essays (of which there will be three, out of a total of something like 700 points, I want to say- but each thing is worth essentially 100 points, except for the reading quizzes, and do NOT get me started on those.) anyaway, he complained that our essays were too focused on FORM and not enough on CONTENT. He went on to explain that he isn't looking for your standard 5 paragraph essay that you learn in english 101, which is what the fricking prereq was, but nevermind that- no, he just wants us to write, concisely and impeccably, about the subjects we are given.


You can't really tell from the way I write here, but I am really good at writing papers for school. I learn what my instructor wants, and I do it. I got a 4.0 in english 101 writing political crap that I don't believe, for the most part. There are no words to describe how completely pissed off I was when he explained the format (or lack thereof? I don't really know, still) he was expecting from our essays. We've already written 2. I'm pissed that mine have been no higher than 85.


This is so frustrating, because of the way he has handled class the entire quarter. He keeps contradicting what he wants from us, and I sort of don't even want to do ANYTHING for the class anymore.


He gives a reading quiz every monday over the 100 pages we had to read the previous week. I do just as well when I don't read the pages as when I do. Don't ask for crazy details that I won't notice on my first time reading it through- and nothing in the course description even implied that it would be necessary to have read the trilogy, but that's how he has handled the class. Also, if you don't want english 101 papers, don't put that down as the stupid prereq! ARRRGH. I can't even get across how stupid and frustrating this is for me.


I don't even want to read the books anymore. :)


Anyway. Wow. That was a sucky and negative post. But... I dunno. I've just been feeling so very lackluster lately.

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Hi there-I know you've got a lot going on,and it seriously sucks that you woont be able to take archeology:(way back whenin college I got to volunteer at the LaBrea tarpits and clean dinosaur bones(which I didnt really appreciate at the time)but even though it wouldnt be the same, now there are all these course podcasts-and there must be some in archeology and maybe even some with good teachers-and maybe someplace you could volunteer just a tiny bit in archeology-or am I just being snarky?anyway,take care.

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Hi there-I know you've got a lot going on,and it seriously sucks that you woont be able to take archeology:(way back whenin college I got to volunteer at the LaBrea tarpits and clean dinosaur bones(which I didnt really appreciate at the time)but even though it wouldnt be the same, now there are all these course podcasts-and there must be some in archeology and maybe even some with good teachers-and maybe someplace you could volunteer just a tiny bit in archeology-or am I just being snarky?anyway,take care.


You're only being snarky if you're being mean, and I don't think you are being mean. :joy:


Part of the reason I want to take it is because the instructor is really significant to my school experience. His class became this sanctuary to me. There's nothing lovely like that around here, but next spring, I will be taking the class. I just hate waiting ANOTHER year for it. (Yeah, three years for a two year degree... and I don't even have the excuse that I have to juggle school with work.)


Anyway! Thanks for the note and the suggestions.

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