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The LE mindset

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It can be frustrating, especially for someone coming into the bpal world right now. I think there's over 1,000 blends that they've made in about 4 years.


So what do you concentrate on? The stuff that always avalible? Or chase the moon(s)? It's LUNACY I tell you :)


Ok enough with the dumb jokes. I flip-flop on this so much.


The hardest thing about LE's is that once you fall in love, you're in a competition with a hundred other people who are ALSO in love. But I'm not a competitive person.


I like the security of knowing that Amsterdam will always (hopefully) be there for me whenever I run low. But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be called when the LE's show up.


But I want to try EVERYTHING! I've a collectors mentality...got to catch(try) em all. I have to know what I'm missing.


But then I end up spending 2x a regular bottle's worth for a half a bottle of Ides of March...and thinking I got a good deal!


Oh the smelly problems we have. Try the LE's and risk falling in love? or stay with the steady that you know will always be there.




This question will never be answered I'm sure. Oh my poor poor poor wallet.

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