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My kitty has passed away.

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My gorgeous little kitty cat has just gone to the other side now.


She had to leave today-I just got a call that she was so weak today that she couldn't eat, sleep or move much. A neighbour had to take her to the vet where the only option was to put her down. Now the house where she lived is so empty. I'll never hear those odd clicks and 'rrrrr' noises she used to make instead of meows. I'll miss her purrs and her soft fur and those bright white whiskers against a black face, her flashing green eyes, her elegant mannerisms-she was so expressive and intelligent, and so gentle-she'd never hurt a soul. Now without any feline presence in my life, I feel so lonely.

The death of a pet is unbelievably harrowing to go through. It's the second time I've had this now. At least I still have her memories and I know she's still there, albeit in a place that I cannot reach for now-it almost feels like my departed loved ones are on the other side of a plane of existence, another dimension or universe that feels so close that I could touch it, and yet is physically inaccessible. But they are not gone completely.


RIP my beautiful furry friend. You're with your sister now, in a happier place.


eta: I just heard from my mum's friend who was looking after kitty as she slipped away. She mentioned seeing a pink glow in the conservatory where the cat used to sleep. It was probably a sunset reflection but I think it was more than that...I think she was saying goodbye as she followed the sunset, to join her sister among the stars. I think she's truly happy now.


I am wearing BPAL Bastet in her honour, as she was always a true divine feline to me.

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I'm really sorry to hear about your cat...that was really heartrending to read about. I wish our animal friends could be with us longer--life is too short, as it is! :joy:

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I know. It's hard when a pet's life is so short...I've lived with my cats for most of childhood so it's particularly painful this time because there's no furry company. It'll hurt even more when I go home...the hardest thing is getting back to doing my work tonight-it has to be done, but it's really hard when this has just happened.

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I am sorry to hear about kitty. I will send Bastet love to embrace kitty when Bastet opens her arms to. I will wear NA's Bastet today in honour of both of your kitties.


And your mailbox or something is full. I cannot Private Message you bc it says it's full.


Did you see the update for NA? I ordered all 3 Limited E's. And anothe skarab pack. I couldn't resist the Summer scent. I want it fresh right now so I can begin wearing it and then I'll buy another by the time Summer actually begins here. This way I am with the Egyptian season and it makes me feel like I'm there! Cheesey but me lurves me some EGYPT! Blood of Anubis sounds lovely. And a single note of Egyptian Musk will help discern it when I find it in NA's scents. I believe their oils are actually imported from Egypt and I've smelled a lot of EM that is not the right EM that I think it should be. It's supposed to be enough for the wearer you know? And whomever is intimate with them! Speaking of intimate I LURVE Shomu's description! PS I've never smelled smut. Would I like it knowing I lurve Egyptian smells?





I know. It's hard when a pet's life is so short...I've lived with my cats for most of childhood so it's particularly painful this time because there's no furry company. It'll hurt even more when I go home...the hardest thing is getting back to doing my work tonight-it has to be done, but it's really hard when this has just happened.

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