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School woes

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School Woes:

Good news-The apartment complex I'm living is fixing things up, renovating, adding hardwood floors, washers/dryers, modern kitchens. including high speed internet and electricity to the monthly rent, etc. to the units.


Bad news-everyone who is currently living here are expected to leave and not come back till Spring '08 once their lease is up. So I'm pretty much out of a place to live once May comes up.


WTF. Seriously. :ninja: I expected that once I had signed on to live here I wouldn't have to move again, but now I do? If I had known that this was going to be the situation, I wouldn't have lived here in the first place. It's just not worth it, to go through the hassle of packing all of my crap up, placing it into storage and bring it out again once I find another place. And moving back in '08 wouldn't be worth it either since I'm a grad student, and I'd be leaving soon after. This is a college town so housing is rough. Every place has a waiting list, or doesn't rent to students at all. One place near this university has a waiting list that goes back to 2005(!) Ugh. It's just really annoying. Also, I had planned to do summer independent research up here, but because of the lease thing, I have to place to live, I can't. People who wanted a place to stay during summer looked a while ago, and again, I didn't want to have to move my furniture.

This on top of other school things.


I had spent hours and hours researching papers and sent a bunch of them to my professor so he could approve them or suggest which one I go for. Instead the first line of the e-mail I get back from him is "Sorry, I'm not excited for any of these" and later "Try looking for so-and-so, I might have a copy lying my office". I hate it when a professor has a paper in mind for you to do a presentation on, and not only doesn't tell you what it is, but wants you to attempt to download it from the internet. Where exactly? "Oh, just google it". This last part is a problem because I do not subscribe to any journals, and I sure as hell am not going to drop $32 for one 12 page paper. And, my school's library does not have this particular journal. Grr. I think he should've just lent me that copy so I could photocopy it or whatever intstead of playing e-mail tag for 3-4 days when I could be doing work :smite: He has given copies of articles to other students before, and when I asked him about this one the last week, he just told me to e-mail him. Ugh. I'm really frustrated. I hate hate hate doing presentations and I like to be as prepared as possible, and it looks like I'm not going to be as prepared as I want. Arrggghghhg :clap: :evil: :evil:

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