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Beaver Moon update!

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Duck Mountain contacted me today, with the intention of clearing everything up and resuming activity on the forum. I do believe she intends to complete the swap and I am ecstatic about that. I am also quite impressed, because it takes guts to own up to something like that, and not everyone would do it. So! As soon as I have Beaver Moon in my hands, I will update the swap feedback, notify the mods, and post here to let you all know. Plus, we get a forumite back! Like I told her, it just didn't seem like something she would really do, so it's a relief to know I wasn't wrong.


I just thought I should pass along the information, in case anybody sees her about.


Welcome back, DM!

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That's great news! I got swaplifted in my first month on the board by AngelFireHeart to the tune of $63...I tell you, that really soured my opinion of swapping for a long time, but I do prefer selling...I've had some "odd" swap transactions...like nothing you could complain about, per se, but still didn't feel right. For example, one person and I swapped, I mailed my end and they got it and liked it (it was a multiple bottle swap, they contacted me first). My end never showed up, but the person was good about communicating and saying they were sick, etc, and it would be in the mail. ASAP. Finally, they sent me a DC number. I checked it and it was the old "There is no record of this item". This isn't THAT unusual but in combination it seemed a bit off. I contacted the swapper and they said the package was probably "lost" in their company's mailroom and they would check around (well, maybe it was, but still.) I contacted a swap mod, and they stated that this person, yes, was a "slow-ass swapper" I believe, in those words, but they always came through. Finally I emailed the person one last time and said I had been swaplifted before so was kind of gunshy...I need to get the package by x and x a date or I'm reporting it a swaplift. Two days later, a priority mail package arrived in my mailbox with all the items and some extras...but it wasn't mailed until the date of my last email to this person...so my threats is what got them to mail it, not that it was lost in the mailroom. So, yes, it was a weird transaction, but I didn't know what to do about it at the time...anyway, I'm really glad your saga is coming to a positive resolution!

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Wow, I don't know how I would've felt about getting swaplifted that early on, Ah Xia! I'd been swaplifted once before this by Mistress Tera, but that was only about $32 and it was six months in when I realized she was not going to come through with it. By then I was already so attached to the forum that I wasn't going to let one bad experience ruin things for me. The Beaver Moon thing made me feel awful, though, and I've asked a couple of people to let me wait until I have their half of a swap in my hands before I send mine to them. It was just really shocking, I think. So, yes, I am most excited and happy about this.

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Oh, my God, was I ever pissed. Not only that I was swaplifted but that she lied in such a stupid wanker way about being "dead", which trivializes any outpouring of care that real Internet friends show each other. I lay in bed thinking how awful it was that she had died, and got thinking some more...and then I got up and checked the forum and realized she was the same person as her "roommate" and a lot of what she was saying didn't add up. That's why liars are in the last circle of hell. If you couldn't tell, I have a lot of planets in Scorpio, LOL.


Fortunately I got my money back through my credit card eventually, and the kindness of so many others on this forum helped a lot. People who throw in extra bottles or send cool things in their swap packages...that makes it all worth the few bad apples.


And I know things can get overwhelming and some Internet board swap is the last thing on someone's mind, so I 'm glad when everything can turn out OK in the end.

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The whole thing about lying about being dead? Unbelievable. Someone pulled that for attention on the first message board I ever felt comfortable in- just attention, nothing else. The worst one, though, was the guy who claimed he had died in the 9-11 attacks, and the owner of the community was prepared to set up a donation fund in his name, and it was just... I don't understand why people think it's okay to do things like that. That's why I never got involved when that whole mess came up here- it just pisses me off too much.

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