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The state of things

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I've been turning to my paper journal lately more than my blogs, because it seems like all I have in my head is inchoate gloominess and blah-blah-I-miss-my-Jason-even-though-he-sucks. I bore me, why bore everyone else? But also, when I write in my paper journal, I get to use my two fountain pens, and that always cheers me up some by itself.


Things have actually been getting a little better. At work things haven't changed too much yet - we've started telling customers the store is closing, and most of them want to know when stuff goes on sale (not till the 11th). A fair number also seem sad - the regulars, the people who were so happy to have a bookstore in their neighborhood. Apparently Richardson is not meant to have a convenient bookstore, because they all close due to lack of money-making. Coworkers are all figuring out who's transferring where. I've started seriously thinking about moving to Boise & living near my sister & niece. My friends have offered me places to stay for a few months so I can get out of the house with Jason (complicated a bit by my adorable but overly-furry and accident prone dog) & suggested I pass my resume on to them. I need to make one now - it's like writing papers when I was in college, I seem to have this weird mental block. But it's got to be done, and I will do it this afternoon! *determined face*

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