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On dieting and ATC's

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First, before I forget: You all must sign up for SevenSins' Artist Trading Card swap. If you don't know what they are, check out the first post in that thread (it's in the circular swap area) because she has some great links. They're essentially artistic baseball/magic/trading cards. It seems like a fun way to let off some creative steam and I already have some ideas! Inky, I'm looking at you! Not to single anyone out or anything. Ahem.


Moving on: I'm dieting. With chocolate. (That reminds me of the nutrisystem commercial- "Any diet that allows me to eat chocolate every day is a diet for me!" I watch too much TV, heh.) I'm going to fast a couple of days a month with tea and water on those days. The rest of the days, I'm going to eat stuff that's high in fiber, and my meals are going to be primarily cereal, supplimented by vegetables, fruits, and other snacky things. There is NO reason I can't do this. Plus, that Special K cereal with chocolate in it totally works for me. Does that sound like a good plan?


I'm also going to be looking for this awesome yoga/pilates dvd that I borrowed from netflix and can't remember what it was anymore. It wasn't yoga or pilates, but it drew on both, and dance and martial arts and other movement forms, and it really worked for me. It was something like, "Pilates: Target Specific" because it had workouts that would focus on different areas of the body. And! Wal-mart has one of those sit-up roller things for $15 that I'm going to have to splurge on.


Finally, I'm going to start writing affirmations (as per the "creating your own reality" thread) on index cards and keeping them in a box. I don't know if it works, but it can't hurt to try.

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Best of luck-some chocolate(not Hershey's dark) but the really goood kind has hardly any carbs-the darker the better;I eat Lindt chocolate 85%(which is really dark)and a small piece is really satifying(honest)


BTW-Im gonna have DDR with SuperNOva very soon--sounds better than gym to me:) Take care, and let us know how it goes!

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Hey, the affirmations do work, according to my husband. He wrote a single sentence ten times on a piece of paper every day for a month. He ended up accomplishing his goal. (Of course, he is a SuperGenius, so there's also that to factor into it...)


And I've already signed up for the ATCs. I've never done anything like that before, but I'm itching to make a trip to the hobby shop with a purpose. Usually I have no purpose and I wander a bit and end up buying crap I'll never use because I have some wild-assed idea in the store that only sounds good for about five minutes and by the time I get home I don't want to do it any more.

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carwoman - I have DDR Supernova and at first I was very disappointed...but have patience! There are some great songs on there if you take the time to go to every planet and unlock them :D


I second the dark chocolate! Full of antioxidants and those little feel good chemicals that dance around in your brain and make you, well, feel good!


Grace...do you get the Hungry Girl newsletter? http://www.hungrygirl.com

She's mostly an idiot, but 5 days a week she sends out newsletters from her site with low calories swaps for our favourite high calorie foods, lots of new product reviews and generally helpful things for dieters. She's actually not an idiot, I don't know why I say that, I think it's just the goofy tone she takes when she writes. ANYWAY the chocolate special K did not get such a good review...

(don't mean to rain on your parade, just giving you a heads up!)

You meantion a pilates dvd, I have a great one that is divided up into 10 minute segments, it's called Crunch - Pick Your Spot Pilates. ALSO, there is a dvd I read about in a trade magazine at the healthfood store called Yoga Booty Ballet, it sounds like fun? Maybe?



Best of luck-some chocolate(not Hershey's dark) but the really goood kind has hardly any carbs-the darker the better;I eat Lindt chocolate 85%(which is really dark)and a small piece is really satifying(honest)


BTW-Im gonna have DDR with SuperNOva very soon--sounds better than gym to me:) Take care, and let us know how it goes!

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Thank you for the recommendations for dark chocolate- my favourite is the one 'snarky sent from Trader Joe's, and I can't remember what all it had in it, now. I want to say it had rose in it? Or jasmine? There was some floral element mixed with the dark chocolate, I'm pretty sure. It doesn't matter- we don't have one around here, anyway! I will prowl the cheaper shelves for some dark chocolate goodness.


That hungry girl site? I'd never been there, but it is FANTASTIC! I didn't find the review on the Special K cereal, just a blurb that said it sounded iffy- but I really like it and I think it'll become my new snacky thing. Well, cereal in general will. I was bummed to read that milk in tea may reduce its benefits!


I have this crazy worry about the affirmations, though. The Monkey's Paw effect is what I call it. I'm sure I'm not the first to come up with the phrase, but it works. Essentially (in case you haven't read or don't remember the story) it means that if I write "I will lose X amount of weight" I will get sick with, like, cancer, and lose the weight that way- or, "I will get the money I need" will turn into the death of someone dear to me resulting in inheritance or insurance- which is, I think, the actual story.


Yeah, I'm a freak. I just have to phrase things better.

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carwoman - I have DDR Supernova and at first I was very disappointed...but have patience! There are some great songs on there if you take the time to go to every planet and unlock them :D


I second the dark chocolate! Full of antioxidants and those little feel good chemicals that dance around in your brain and make you, well, feel good!


Grace...do you get the Hungry Girl newsletter? http://www.hungrygirl.com

She's mostly an idiot, but 5 days a week she sends out newsletters from her site with low calories swaps for our favourite high calorie foods, lots of new product reviews and generally helpful things for dieters. She's actually not an idiot, I don't know why I say that, I think it's just the goofy tone she takes when she writes. ANYWAY the chocolate special K did not get such a good review...

(don't mean to rain on your parade, just giving you a heads up!)

You meantion a pilates dvd, I have a great one that is divided up into 10 minute segments, it's called Crunch - Pick Your Spot Pilates. ALSO, there is a dvd I read about in a trade magazine at the healthfood store called Yoga Booty Ballet, it sounds like fun? Maybe?



Best of luck-some chocolate(not Hershey's dark) but the really goood kind has hardly any carbs-the darker the better;I eat Lindt chocolate 85%(which is really dark)and a small piece is really satifying(honest)


BTW-Im gonna have DDR with SuperNOva very soon--sounds better than gym to me:) Take care, and let us know how it goes!


Supernova doesn't at all relate to the band by that name, does it? It's just a version of the game, right? :worried: Heh.


I think I have the Pick Your Spot Pilates, because I thought it was the one I wanted, but it wasn't. I should really try the 10 minute workouts from it, though. And, dude, Yoga Booty Ballet? I want that. :D That is AWESOME.


Anyway, sorry for the double comment- not really. It's my blog. Hee.

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