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One thing I hardly ever talk about is politics. I'm not the type of person who likes to get involved in endless debates between groups of people who will never agree, and all the name-calling and finger-pointing depresses me a lot. I've learned to keep my mouth shut about these things at family functions because both my family and my husband's are Republican and devoutly Catholic. There are certainly aspects of their views that I respect -- they're not fanatics, and they're not ill-informed. They just have different priorities and principles than I have. They don't preach their views at me, and I give them the same courtesy. I'm pretty comfy in this setup. Live and let live, as it were.


I'm not a demonstrator, a protestor, or an activist. I write letters and emails, and occasionally I give a little bit of money, but in general I stay away from public rallies and things of that nature.


So! Lil' ol' politics-shy filigree_shadow received an email from Barack Obama's exploratory committee a few minutes ago suggesting that I might be interested in attending an event in Springfield, IL, on Saturday morning. They say he will be making an announcement concerning his presidential campaign. I can only guess, judging by the list of locations currently on his tour schedule (Iowa next, and then New Hampshire), that he will, in fact, be announcing that he definitely is going to run.


For the first time in my life, I actually want to go to an event like this. Springfield is about three hours away by car. I have no plans for Saturday. The only thing stopping me from going is possibly inclement weather.


I've never heard Obama speak in public, and I'd like to. Of course, there's also an Obama Rally in Chicago on Sunday afternoon, which is much closer to me, so perhaps I should just go to that.


Still, I'd kinda like to go to the Springfield announcement. It could end up being an historical event.

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Cool! (Says she who works around politics.) Seriously, Obama's speech at the Democratic convention really blew me away -- I was telling everyone I knew to watch online reruns or watch it again on C-SPAN. Getting a chance to see him speak in person, especially when he's in the process of starting to run for President, would be awesome.

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Cool! (Says she who works around politics.) Seriously, Obama's speech at the Democratic convention really blew me away -- I was telling everyone I knew to watch online reruns or watch it again on C-SPAN. Getting a chance to see him speak in person, especially when he's in the process of starting to run for President, would be awesome.


Yeah! That speech -- what a delivery. The man has a fire in him.


Random does want to go down to Springfield to see the announcement, which doesn't really surprise me all that much. He's almost as interested in Obama as I am, for different reasons. He says Obama is a statesman, and we haven't had a real statesman in office for a long time. I don't think he has enough experience yet to be a true statesman, but I think it's pretty clear from his words and actions that he's not looking for power for himself (which I personally think is the case with another candidate, sadly) but is looking for the betterment of the entire nation and all its people. I think he clearly has the potential to be a statesman, and I totally agree with Random that we need someone like that in office.


So it looks like we'll be among the thousands standing in the freezing cold on Saturday morning in Springfield. Yippee! I can't wait.

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We didn't wind up going after all. Doors opened at 9 but he wasn't speaking until 10, and we didn't want to stand outside in this cold for two hours. It's 6 degrees right now, not including wind chill, and at 9:00 this morning it was probably 1 F. We're wusses.


I'm going to see if I can get a ticket to go to the rally tomorrow afternoon though.

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