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Open Letter to the People Who Applied for My Job

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Dear Applicant,


Thank you for submitting your resume for the Gender Officer position in Afghanistan. There were several moderately qualified candidates and therefore, the selection was slightly difficult. I regret to inform you that you were not selected for the position due to one, or a combination of, the following:


1. You mentioned your “mental state” on your CV as “rural, urban, cosmopolitan”;

2. You sent me a long email after the phone interview explaining what you really meant to say during the interview, but just couldn’t;

3. Your writing sample included the phrase: “poverty has a women face” and/or “empowering the powerless through concretization”;

4. Your references told me how you “did not dress appropriately” when you worked in Kabul two years ago;

5. Your writing sample was 32 pages long, written in 2002, had eight annexes (including an ORGANOGRAM) and was over 1.5 MB;

6. Your writing sample had several misspellings and grammatical mistakes;

7. During the interview, you described your management style as “authoritative”.


Due to some, or all, of these reasons, we cannot extend an offer of employment to you at this time. Thank you for your interest.





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