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Spring Switch Witchery Alert!

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Sign-ups are tentatively set for the 17th of this month, so if you want to play, be sure and start getting your questionaire ready! Just thought I'd give a head's up for those of you who don't stalk the swap forum like I do. I'll update with a reminder when the sign-ups are officially set.

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You know...while I had fun with all the switch witchery in the past, I have decided that I won't be participating anymore. Not because of any bad experiences, but I put too much pressure on myself to find "perfect" things for people and I'm not sure it's worth it. I think I am sticking to RAOKs for the people on the forum that I already know and am already friendly with. Reading over that it looks a little bit selfish, doesn't it?

I guess it is, but oh well :)


I hope you have fun with this round though! Someone will be very lucky to have you as their "someone witchy"...

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I haven't decided if I will- and it doesn't sound selfish at all that you have decided not to do it anymore! I just worry over the people I'd be missing out on, I think. I may need to sit this one out, though. Or maybe the one after this.


Guh, I hope my person feels spoiled this round.


Anyway. I feel like writing another update.

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Hm. I posted about being excited about it... but now I'm sort of re-thinking it. Our current one-income situation can be worked around, but I'd rather feel completely guilt-free when making all those random "ooh, my Switchee would like this!" purchases I tend to make during the rounds.


Like idm, I've got some RAOK stuff up my sleeve too on which I'd rather concentrate. :ninja:

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I've been reading about the switch witchery, but no where are there explicit directions. I see a link to an old questionarre and a mention that we have to make a wishlist? But there are no directions or explanations about how this works.


All I can gather is that it's like a care package swap with forumites. There is no spending limit or minimum, but the average is between $15-$20 to spend on your giftee. You have to wait until there is an announcement for signups and then you send your questionare to the starter of that thread?


I don't understand the entire process. Is there a Spring Fling Switch Witch FAQ somewhere?

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Three forumites (lexile, Aredhel(I think?) and GoddessRobyn) have taken on the role of head Switch Witches, and they collect the questionnaires via PM when the round starts. Then they split them up and assign everyone somebody else, and you get to spoil that person within the time frame, so it's basically what you said. There is a FAQ, and it is loads of fun to participate in. I've been discussing it with Filigree, and I think I've decided that I will be in this coming round. Everytime I think I should sit it out, I think "But I never would've met inkdarkmoon!" And I really probably wouldn't have thought to approach 'snarky. It's a good way to get to know other forumites, though I haven't remained in close contact with all of them. Plus, who doesn't like looking forward to packages in the mail? :ninja:


Here's the FAQ.


As far as spending goes- I know I'm not the only one with a tight budget, so my packages tend to be lower on that scale, but some people are able to go all out- generally, people just try to be generous with what they have, and it all works out. Hope that helped! You should seriously consider joining in!

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