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Are you a mermaid?

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If not, your eyes cannot perceive my true words from here on out. They're written so only mermaids can read them, and the rest of the world will see mere drivel. Of course, the mermaids might only see drivel, but it will be true drivel and not the false stuff the rest of you are seeing. I'm evil that way.


Which one is sugared roses again? That's the twin I want. But now violet is sounding so lovely too!


After my insane couple of weeks, I finally got my switchee package out, and there's not even a nice note inside. ;) It's hurried and short. I'm such a spaz.


But I have something cool coming and I'm really excited about that.


Tonight, my husband and I are going on a date. We're going to see Pan's Labyrinth, because my theatre decided to be awesome and show it here! (Instead of in Walla Walla, as I originally thought.) I shall bring tissues and report back about my experience. (I have been warned that I will be needing tissues.)


I love the latest Girls With Slingshots. (I think that's the one.) "I wish you'd just tell me to go bang some guy." "That's something you'll never hear a psychiatrist say. Also included are: 'I think the heroin is actually doing you some good!' and 'No wonder your mother never loved you.'"


I think I got a school loan. This means that we will possibly be able to fly out to visit my in laws over spring break, and see our new nephew. I am SO looking forward to that. ;)


See how crazy I am? What the hell happened to the dark pit of despair? It's still there. It's just on the other end of the swing. Heh.

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For what it's worth, I too am a mermaid.


I just saw Pan's Labyrinth last night. It puts the 'grim' in Grimm's fairytale. Not that Pan's Labyrinth is a tale by either of the brothers Grimm because, well, it just isn't. Admittedly, I'm curious what you thought of it. Will you be commenting on it in this blog?


I found it to be grisly, poignant, honest, and straightforward (sometimes too straightforward.. I'll explain more about this later, once you've seen it). There were moments where I was literally silently begging the film to please spare its audience. It didn't. It pulls almost no punches.

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I was thinking about going to see that tonight or sometime this week. They are playing it at our Arty theater.


And that sounds like the latest Questionable Content web comic. and yes VERY funny.

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I'll update about the movie in another entry, but it was... not what I was expecting.


Re: The quote: It was, in fact, from Questionable Content- the entry before this latest one.


P.S. I :) the latest one, too. Happy birthday Grandma! (Ahem.)

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I'll update about the movie in another entry, but it was... not what I was expecting.


Re: The quote: It was, in fact, from Questionable Content- the entry before this latest one.


P.S. I :) the latest one, too. Happy birthday Grandma! (Ahem.)



I know, seriosuly that has to be the worst thing to say. So funny! .

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