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Rediscovered joys

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Things I can do again now that I'm not dating Jason:


- watch TV with subtitles. I love subtitles! Jason found them too distracting, but they have so many benefits! You can turn the volume down to be considerate to the other roommate who has to get up earlier in the morning, & still watch TV. You can pick up things you would have had to rewind several times to hear. You can save time on watching special features like deleted scenes of the Office by putting on the subtitles then fast-forwarding & reading the little sentences as they flicker by (sometimes I get really impatient :ack: ).


- eat whenever I want instead of having to wait for him to get home so we can eat at the same time. Also, go to Taco Bell on the way home if I feel like it for some reason, without having to consult anyone else.


- choose what to watch. For instance, last night I found the 1994 movie Kiss of Death on TV & watched the last half of it. In high school my friend & I had a thing for David Caruso & we loved this movie. It was a little simpler than I remembered, and I think his magic is gone for me, but all the actors were still good, & it was fun. And then when I needed something to distract me (I'm fine during the day - work, calling friends - but then at night when I try to sleep I start to think about what we were doing a week or two ago & start to cry) I can put on my DVDs of the original Batman cartoon & drift off admiring its art. Jason finds South Park to be soothing on sleepless nights, and I grew to appreciate some of its wittiness, but it's got nothing on Batman!


- watch the opening credits as many times as I want when watching rented TV show dvds without being pressured to fast-forward through them to save time. I enjoy the theme songs - it's part of the whole experience!


Hmm. Next time I'll try to find some that aren't TV-oriented. That's just what I did last night. I'm trying to think more positively & post blogs that aren't just sadness. This may not be all the way there yet, but it's a step ...

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I don't normally say much on blogs here these days...but I'm so glad that I'm not the only person with normal hearing who watches English-language TV with subtitles! I thought I was the only one but I'm very happy to see that I'm not. :twisted: I sometimes find it hard to catch words when people who don't speak clearly or who speak too fast say something, or when there's talking when there's loud noise or music in the background...so subs are great for that!

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I don't normally say much on blogs here these days...but I'm so glad that I'm not the only person with normal hearing who watches English-language TV with subtitles! I thought I was the only one but I'm very happy to see that I'm not. :twisted: I sometimes find it hard to catch words when people who don't speak clearly or who speak too fast say something, or when there's talking when there's loud noise or music in the background...so subs are great for that!


Exactly! People mumble too much these days. :hug: I really don't think I listened to that much loud music when I was younger, but I have a hard time picking things out sometimes.

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