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BPAL Madness!
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Wow... 6 weeks already?

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Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I'd figured on a due date around mid-September. After all, that's when my son was born, and I'd found out he was on his way around the same time.


However, I seem to be a little shaky on my counting-backwards skills. I had assumed I was about 3 or 4 weeks along, at most. Out of curiousity, though, last night I was tooling around the web and found a baby site, and was reading. Naturally, it had a due-date predictor. I plugged in the information requested, and got back mid-September as a due date. Ok, no surprise there. But it also said that I'm now 6 weeks along. :ack: I was not expecting THAT. I mean, it makes sense, but for some reason, my brain is still boggling.


Still, I guess that's good. It doesn't really change anything except in my head, so it's really neither good nor bad.


I also found out that I may be able (even encouraged) to get back on my antidepressants. :joy: That means I'll be able to sleep! And not be so cranky! And that will be good for all concerned.

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