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Of Mermaids and Girlie-Girls

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Last week's surprise winter weather has given way to premature spring-like conditions.


And like a tender crocus bud, Snarky finds her own femininity peeking out from all the protective layers of winter accumulation. Last night she trimmed back the talons and attended to her toes. Tonight she hopes to complete the rest of her home mani/pedi progression (Snarky is slow and less flexible than she once was. It takes at least two days to finish these simple tasks.) and this weekend might be the Wacky Waxing Weekend if she can get her gumption up.


This seems to be the prevailing mood on Blog Island. A mood of rejuvenation and re-introduction to one's inner girlie-girl. Snarky has lost track of what this particular movement happens to be... is it post-post-modern feminism, or meta-feminism, or retro-something-or-other?


Ah well. Whatever it is, it makes typing on the keyboard much easier.


Edited to add: while ChezSnark is still slightly under the pall of the Monster Cold of Ought Six Slash Seven, Snarky has finally started to wear her BPAL again. Banner day!

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You're right, that does seem to be the general theme around these parts of late, I am calling it SexyBack 2007 (well, this is what I call it in my head, complete with theme song).


This week-end: home made scrubs, deep conditioning and pedicure!

I too am less flexible than in my younger, girlier days. Man, don't it suck getting old?

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Getting old stinks! Snarky hereby declares Ought Seven as her year of Youthful Regression! (Doesn't roll off the tongue as well as SexyBack 2007.)


Snarky is gonna hafta pull out the Big Guns in the weeks to come: belly dancing and yoga DVDs. They will be embarrassing and awkward, but she always feels better after putting herself through a few sun salutations (in the privacy of her own home).

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