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Imp #8: Scherezade


"Saffron and Middle Eastern spices swirled through sensual red musk."


Note: End of cycle. Imp fresh from the Lab.


In the bottle: Definitely smells like insense. Do I detect the dreaded patchouli? Musky as well, I think.


On me: I definitely get what I would define as a perfumey feel out of this. Perhaps that is the reaction I have to red musk. I can't seem to pick out individual notes.


1 hour+ later: I am catching the spices & I think I can identify the saffron, though it is not as bitter as the mehndi on my left hand. At this point, a few hours later, I have lost the throw, but I like the scent.

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Scherezade is pretty but I have to admit that it isn't for me. The mustiness might be from the red musk. Different people work better with different musks.


Red tends to be closer to "skin musk"


White is fairly light.


Black musk has been described as "feral".


I think there's a musk discussion under either BPAL Chatter or Recommendations.

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