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Weather and Whatnot

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We got some sleet tonight- I'm praying for a thaw by monday.


Trinsic sent us another bill. How messed up is that? It's in the pile to be faxed to the utilities commission, assuming we have the right number for him. I can't find where I wrote it down.


My husband says that swaps are stressing me out too much and he'd really prefer it if I stopped. So, I've stopped. But. I'm unhappy about it.


Not so much the regular swapping, but I really wanted to get into starting decant circles. We have the money right now for the supplies, but he says we should save it, which means he doesn't want me spending the money on perfume, and I wish he would just say that, because it's not like anything EVER gets saved. We blow it on stupid things, and I would just as soon have the decanting stuff. I get where he's coming from, but I am so frustrated because I'm fixated on the vials right now, and I desperately want to try Hope and Faith. I'll test them at Convergence, though. (Assuming they're going to be among the throng.)


I should just sell all my perfume before Convergence.


I'm in a mood. :ack:


Oh! I should be setting up an appointment with a real, live therapist next week sometime. (Not going to the appointment next week, but setting one up for hopefully sometime soon.) That's quite a relief... I will sing the praises of medication for depression and anxiety until I'm blue in the face, because they've helped me so very much... but I think I've reached the limit of where they can take me. It's pretty impressive. I wouldn't have believed it a few years ago, but I'm the happiest I've ever been. I just don't want to slide back into depression, and I feel like I could do that.


So, yeah. Instead of buying decanting supplies, I went switch witch shopping. Okay. I have GOT to stop obsessing over this.

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Good for you with the therapist! I know I probably SHOULD have one of them for myself, but ...ugh. To much with the talking. Makes me uncomfortable. Then again, if it's easy, you are probably not getting what you need out of it right? Good luck with it :lol:

I myself just started taking St. John's wort and a few other things, I don't know if I am actually feeling better or not, maybe only time will tell...


What's this Hope and Faith? Did I miss something???

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I think if you're not ready for therapy, it's really a waste of your time- it was for me, before I got things together a little more. Only time will tell what I'll make of it this time. You'll get to where you need to be, and you'll do it in the way that is right for you, I have no doubt. :lol:


Hope and Faith are the vampiric siamese twins from Carnaval Diabolique and may only be purchased as a set- One is sugared roses and the other is sugared violets.

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