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Not my day

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Today really doesn't seem to be my day ...


It started with my alarm-clock. I did not hear it because I had an earplug in my ear because my loved one was snoring again. I woke up 11 minutes too late. The radio on the alarm-clock is pretty loud, but not loud enough to wake up my partner.


While eating my toast I realized that tomorrow is my grandpas birthday. Of course I forgot to send a card - so I tinkered one (good that I have all the stuff for it at home). But the card will be late - my grandpa lives in another country - as almost all my realtives.


At work I realized that I have brought new cheese and chocolate - but the bread is still at home.


Then I wanted to get something to drink - went to the fridge and how nice! All iced. Thanks ...


Well on the other hand: It can only get better ... I hope!

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