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First Order arrived!

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I just received my first order from the lab, and I can't wait to try it out! Of course, it's something I will do better to avoid, since I am about to go out and join friends, and I have no idea of my body chemestry. Still, I will try one tomorrow morning.


I received my order: Anne Bonny, Blood Kiss, Hamadrayd, Scherezade, Swank, O, Lust, Sea of Glass, Sin, Neo-Tokyo, Prague, and Tintagel.


Plus, I received two free imps:


The Bow and Crown of Conquest


Funnily enough, the package smelled a lot like stepping into Raven's Nest Herbals. From that, I really feel that true oils were used.

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Yeah!!! Imps arrived. :think:


I'm fond of O, Blood Kiss (so sexy), Scherezade, Lust, Sea of Glass and Neo-Tokyo.


You'll have to let me know how Sin is like. It's on my list and I haven't tried it yet.


BTW, if you like Lust... try Mania. I found them to be very similar, except that Mania was softer than Lust (slightly more floral, less powdery because of the myrrh but just as sexy).


If you ever get a decant of House of Mirrors, I found that to be very much like Sea of Glass. Same with the discontinued Ingenue. I couldn't get the comparisons from Sea of Glass out of my head... probably because of the strong lily components in both.

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