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Back from holiday!

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We went out of town for the last week and a half to see family and friends. It's hard to lounge on the forums with dial-up :wub: Here were the pros and cons:



--going to Vegas with my parents -- we stayed downtown at the Golden Nugget and didn't set foot on the Strip

--seeing friends

--giving and getting gifts! Lots of gift cards for this trip



--my sister is getting divorced. I just tried to be there if she wanted to talk, but otherwise be a distraction (my normal dorky self)

--another favorite aunt and uncle are getting divorced after 40 years of marriage

--I sprained a ligament in my foot while walking through a construction-filled parking lot. Hooray for the emergency room on Christmas Eve and a bonus prescription of Vicodin! :joy:

--Getting a cold just before coming home

--Our return flight was delayed 3.5 hours, and we didn't get home until after midnight on New Year's Day

--I remembered to pack the digital camera and battery charger, but not the memory stick so I couldn't take any pictures


This lists a lot more cons than pros, but we did have a lot of fun. I return to my job tomorrow, so less worrying about money. I'm glad to be back! :joy:

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Thanks! :lol: The foot is doing fine -- I sprained one of the ligaments that go from the ankle to the toes, so it gets stiff and sore right at the arch. But I'm not wrapping it or icing it anymore, just tolerating. And new job is going fine, and I've already received a paycheck! :think:

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Welcome back, sprained ligaments and all! I think if I ever were to stay in Vegas, it would have to be at the Golden Nugget. Because... Golden Nugget!


Either that or Circus! Circus! 'Cause that's how I roll.

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