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#6 - Magdalene

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A stirring yet gentle perfume. The scent of love and devotion mingled with an undercurrent of heart-rending sorrow. A bouquet of white roses, labdanum, and wild orchid. (GC - Sin & Salvation)


My signature scent! :boogie:


What I love about Magdalene is the labdanum and orchid and how they keep the rose down to just an undertone that only comes out in the drydown.


When immediately applied, sometimes I get slightly greener wafts of the labdanum, sometimes they're woodsy and spicy. Sometimes the orchid is most powerful. The woodsy/spicy notes last throughout the scent's lifetime on my skin.


Ten minutes after applying, the white rose starts to come out, but it's not anything like Two, Five & Seven or any other rose scent I've tried. It's somber, haunting, like the scent of a funeral bough.


What I like about scents like this and Alice is the combination of a gorgeous soft note with something spicy. In Alice, it's spice of carnation and bergamot tempered with rose and creamy milk. Here, it's innocent rose spiked with the exoticness of orchid.


It lasts long enough that I don't feel the need to slather myself in it (which doesn't stop me, of course).


It's probably not supposed to be sexy, but I feel like a damned goddess when wearing this one.


Verdict?: Bottle! Which, according to my CnS tracking, was delivered today! SQUEE! (12/20)

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