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Things that make me go "Hmm?" Update!

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I've been a member of BPAL.org for a year now! Wow.


I mean absolutely no offense to anybody with this post, especially not Krissy, but I don't get the kritters. I appreciate that other people like them and want them, but it doesn't resonate with me, I guess? They just sort of puzzle me. And, again, this is not meant to harm anyone's feelings or anything, but the price seems a little high. I don't know. I'm in a shitty mood, so please keep that in mind. I am sure they are adorable and they obviously have a fanbase, but... I dunno. I don't get it.


Here's another thing! Anybody here know of Melody? She writes books about gems and shit- I don't know her last name, don't really care. She's very new agey and has really long, white hair. Anyway. This woman I used to be friends with (V) hooked up with a doctor shortly after her husband died (he was admittedly an asshole, though, but still) and the doctor is old friends with Melody, so V used to go on and on about her and how she named gems after the doctor. Eventually V and the Dr. wanted to get "married", but she wouldn't get her dead husband's pension if she did, or something, so they had a commitment ceremony instead. (This is going somewhere, seriously.) Well, I went over to this ceremony at the doctor's house (oddly enough, they still weren't living together, and didn't for the first few months...) and met all these people and briefly spoke with Melody. Then V gets all excited and is like, "She's going to perform this special blessing on us!" And Melody turns to me, and I shit you not, says, "This bottle," she holds up this tiny blue bottle, "has water from the Ark of the Covenant in it." And I'm so taken aback that all I can say is, "Really." Pause. "Huh." And her eyes are shining all mystical like, and V's just thrilled to death, and I'm sitting there going, "Did I miss something?"


Water. Ark of the Covenant. And she was dead serious.


I've always wanted to introduce my husband to her by saying, "Oh! This is V- you remember me talking about her, right? She got married with the water from the Ark of the Covenant?" Hee.

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I am just relieved when something is released, limited or otherwise, that I don't *need* or desire, so I don't obsess over buying it. Not that they aren't cute, but that's something that the cats would start trying to get at and claw and chew within, oh, 3 minutes? :hug:


But to each his own: this is from the person who just ordered a set of Tomorrowland miniatures off disneyshopping.com, because I wanted my very own teeny Autopia car and Omnimover and House of the Future and Peoplemover :blush:

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I'm so incredibly out of the BPAL loop! I was all "Wha-? What are these Kritters of which Cordia speaks?"




I like 'em, but naw, I ain't crazy about them. Then again, I ain't into any of the ugly/cute plushies out there right now (though I play with them when we window shop the hipster stores).


dawndie, admit it. You got the miniature Tomorrowland stuff not for any nostalgic future kitsch kick, but because you want to have a room set up with tiny things where you can feel like a GIANT!!! (We just finished off a gift basket at work that included these tiny pears that made us feel like viscious vegetarian Amazons.)

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Yeah, I was totally flummoxed as well; I am often in my own little world and don't realise that there are updates/drama/or whatever else thathappens around here until much much later.


I see things like that and I think "oh, that's cute. Maybe I will try to make it, I bet I could, maybe." And then I never do.




I'm so incredibly out of the BPAL loop! I was all "Wha-? What are these Kritters of which Cordia speaks?"




I like 'em, but naw, I ain't crazy about them. Then again, I ain't into any of the ugly/cute plushies out there right now (though I play with them when we window shop the hipster stores).


dawndie, admit it. You got the miniature Tomorrowland stuff not for any nostalgic future kitsch kick, but because you want to have a room set up with tiny things where you can feel like a GIANT!!! (We just finished off a gift basket at work that included these tiny pears that made us feel like viscious vegetarian Amazons.)

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dawndie, admit it. You got the miniature Tomorrowland stuff not for any nostalgic future kitsch kick, but because you want to have a room set up with tiny things where you can feel like a GIANT!!! (We just finished off a gift basket at work that included these tiny pears that made us feel like viscious vegetarian Amazons.)

RAAAARRRR!!! *stomp stomp* :lol:


Oh, and I don't think Cordia's story about the Ark of the Covenant Water was there when I posted :think: I thought the Ark was full of sand when Indiana Jones found it? You might want to ask Melody about that :D

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Apparently Melody just doesn't have a last name. Feel the Love!


Interesting. The whole Arc of the Covenant thing really gives me tremendous pause, but the crystal people out there do consider this book The Bible of their studies.

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