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BPAL Madness!
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You people must all be out having fun on this lovely Saturday. I am stuck inside researching for 3 awful papers I have to write. My only salvation? Coming here to read the boards every once and a while.


Unfortunately, you people aren't here posting for my amusement!!!

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/me posts to amuse Rheliwen.


I feel your pain, though. I'm getting prepped for an intensive 5-day examination prep seminar next week. Ooof.

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Yay!!! /am amused


Oi for the preppng for a seminar in which you prep some more. What exam is it for if I may ask?


The 4th Actuarial exam. Basically, to become a fully credentialed actuary, there are 8-9 exams you have to take while working full time (It takes people on average 7 years to get through the whole series) Each one takes 300-600 hours of self-directed study time. They suck. But when I'm done, I will have letters after my name and job security in a field I love.


If you're at all curious, the site Be an Actuary has background on the profession. I know it sounds pretty dull, but I enjoy it.

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I am seriously having trouble posting comments. After getting forbideen notices on my last ones, now I copied over my entire post I just wrote, lol.




The link you sent actually makes it seem pretty interesting, if esoteric. I was always told it was a high-brow, boring profession. My old boss wanted to break into it but didn't have any luck.


I had no idea it took so much training either. It makes my 3 little papers a little less important now since they are relatively easy.


Good luck and I hop you get those shiny little letters!!

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It's only boring if you don't find insurance interesting, which I guess most people don't. But I really like it. I mean, yeah, it's esoteric, but I dig esoteric-ness.


I'm glad I could make you feel like your papers are less daunting! :-)

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