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BPAL Madness!
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Finally! *whew*

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I have a job! Woo! This has been a long 2 months, and while I've tried not to accelerate into PANIC!! mode, I can't say I haven't been nervous. This was where I worked before my last job, and they even offered me a raise over what I was making before. Scoreboard! :nono:


Seriously, I was hoping this would work out, as I liked my job, had a bunch of friends there and it was an easy commute. Now I can shop! :boogie: I was really trying to keep a lid on my normal splurgey favorites, like candles and incense and shoes, and now I can shop without (much) guilt. Here's what my list is to eventually purchase:


--Possets: Santa Fart, plus Luminaria? Madame X?

--Long-sleeve BPAL t-shirt

--New cute black shoes – babygirlboutique.com had cute ones

--Joann fabrics: apron pattern, tape measure, pin cushion/sharpener, fabric pen, iron? I can't find our old one :joy:

--Stuff-o-rama bracelets

--Fred Soll incense

--feMaledictions incense, perfume samples

--My Lady’s Chamber incense

--Reprodepot – Texas tablecloth, Las Vegas buttons, more fabric!

--Love & Rockets back issues, Locas in Love (Penny Century issues), subscription?

--Mr. Beer -- I haven't made beer in a while, this would be fun to get into again

--DVDs: Buffy, Angel, All the President’s Men 30th anniversary edition; Mel Brooks (Young Frankenstein, History of the World)


Yes, I keep a list of stuff I want to buy if I had lots of funds. I rotate them so I'm not buying so much at once (i.e., perfume or incense). Who me, materialistic? :joy:

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Man oh man, my job is keeping me way too busy these days and I can't even keep up on the blogs, so I'm late to the party, but congratulations! Love that shopping list too... Stuff-O-Rama has such great things and Fred Soll incense rocks my world. It's the best.


And what a great deal, getting to go back to where you used to work, so you know a lot of the people and it won't be a totally new thing to adjust to. I'm really happy for you, and I hope you and your hubby are off celebrating!!!

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Thanks babe! :hug: I'll feel more like celebrating when I start getting paychecks rolling in.


What's the cliche, "better the devil you know than the devil you don't?" That's kind of how I feel -- while I'm not looking forward to the bureaucracy and hassle of a large law firm (200 attorneys), I know the drill already :blush:

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