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Whys & Wherefores

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Here's the grouping I expect them to fall into:




Anne Bonny - A scent several people recommended for Zoe -- woodsy & sexy to boot!

Tintagel - ancient magical forest!

Hamadrayd - I remember fiddledragon especially liking this one - deciduous forest.




Sea of Glass - it sounds so clean & makes me think of Ys. Also recommended by zankoku_zen.

Neo-Tokyo - Recommended for Serenity & Steam Punk, according to zankoku_zen.

Prague - After all the raves on Danube on the Aquatics post, people said this was the river version of the saltier Danube.



Blood Kiss - debated between this and Blood Rose for all the reviews, went with zankoku_zen's rec.

O - "defiled utterly" sounds more my style than "sugared with vanilla".

Lust - Lust in a bottle & highly recommended in the sexy stuff thread & by zankoku_zen.

- Slinky subset:

Swank - Pommegranate (my favorite fruit) that doesn't sound too sweet like Persephone. Recs in sexy thread.

Sin - Described as slinky in a dark blue dress.

- Exotic subset:

Scherezade - Exotic, highly recommended on the sexy thread & by zankoku_zen.

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