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She's Crafty

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The first year Snarky learned to knit (the third time, when it stuck) she committed a common knewbie act of ginormous hubris: she decided to knit all of the Darkity's gifts to their family.


It wasn't as bad as it could have been - Snarky only knit for the "-in-law" side of the family, but she had an ambitious - and schizophrenic - to do list:

* a pair of convertible fingerless gloves (that turned into mittens)

* a Peruvian style fair isle hat (with the ear flaps and braided cords)

* a cardigan (Sitcom Chic from Bonne Marie, if you were curious)

* a therapy roll filled with flax seeds, chamomile, lavendar, etc.

* a felted bucket hat

* scarves

* beaded eyeglass chain (OK, that one wasn't knitted, but it was crafty!)

* cute little tags to amp up the DIY feel of all the gifts


By the time the Day of Giving and Oohing and Aahing finally arrived, Snarky was too delirious from sleep deprivation due to too many nights spent way past her bedtime squinting over poorly lit last minute knitting to really enjoy the season. There are pictures, at least.


But before Snarky could say "never again!" she decided the next year to make felted stockings for every single one of her Aunts and Uncles (and Grandma M) on her mother's side of the family. Because Snarky is some kind of craft martyr. That must be the reason.


Last year the crafting was focused with laser-like intensity on DarkityMa. She received one shawl, a cabled chemo cap, and a fuzzy rasta hat (chemo cap that got too big). She also still has a shawl marinating in the back of the hall closet, but she doesn't know about that one because Snarky is not able to look at it without having knitting-in-the-rain running-after-the-runaway-skein flashbacks.


This year, Snarky thinks she's dialing it back, but maybe she's too far into it to have perspective. She's working on a commissioned Where's Waldo hat, she has two pairs of Fuzzy Feet felted clogs to make for the Darkity'rents, she needs to continue her enviro/animal friendly/yet-still-soft yarn research for a hat for DarkityBro, and there's the matter of a long-delayed sculptural snake scarf that The Mister really, really wants (so far she's using Panache from KnitPicks - cashmere and alpaca and merino, oh my! - and Meunch's Touch Me, which is about the most sinful shiny chenillesque yarn EVAH) (Sometimes Snarky wonders if The Mister is very secretly some sort of drag queen.).


She is designing little logos to silk screen (using the freezer paper method) onto t-shirts for the troubled DeathRockFamily. If this experiment works, she will be making more t-shirts for just about everyone because how cool is that?


And finally tonight she and The Mister are going to some sort of Nerd Mecca to find geekish gifts for her geekish compatriots. There's nothing crafty about this last bit, Snarky's just excited about being able to get her geek on tonight.


Speaking of which: new Doctor Who and BSG tonight!


And now Snarky is officially sidetracked.


The point was: seasonal craftiness is absolutely fine. But much like holiday eatings, holiday craft-making must be done in moderation and with a sense of pacing... or else tragedy will ensue.


Snarky hopes everyone had a fabulous Turkey Day (she had pot roast instead after meeting up with the just-as-lovely-kind-and-generous-in-person Cordia and her Mister and Award Winning Cake). She is still trying to come to grips with the fact that Christmas is three weeks away! :)

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Whoa, that is certainly ambitious...good luck! I am feeling overwhelmed just doing a scarf and THINKING about clogs; while I'd love to do more, I just can't seem to fit it in :P


Please let me know how it goes with the freezer paper thing - I've been intrigued by that for a while, but shit...I don't even know what freezer paper is!

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I don't even know what freezer paper is!


Well for Snarky it's the ginormous roll of waxed paper that's been hanging in the back of her ziploc/saran wrap/steamer basket/etc. drawer since this summer. Snarky has the Reynold's brand stuff. It's about as big as a roll of heavy duty aluminum foil. (and can be found in about the same aisle at the grocery store)

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