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Math and other stuff- Switch Witch signups!

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I stared blankly at my math problems for quite some time today. Ugh. My brain just doesn't have focus right now. Hopefully I'll be thinking more clearly tomorrow so that I can regain my footing before the last test and then the final. I haven't even looked at psych. :)


It snowed here today. I like the snow, but I hope it doesn't get icy overnight, because I hate the way people here drive in the snow. They're okay if it's been around a while, but that first stint is just awful. And, okay, I'm nervous about driving my car on ice. Though I was still pretty clumsy with it last year and I'm still alive, so hopefully I'll be okay... yeah, I'm a spaz.


For those of you who don't obsessively read the swap area, the switch witch winter round is open until the 28th, so hurry. I have some really great ideas for this round and I'm staying optimistic this time, rather than panicking over being poor. I am going to get it together this round and be memorable.


I have a good feeling about this round.


I wish one of the questions was about colours a person dislikes.


My hair smells good. Actually, it smells a little like Freakshow.


I have a half-imp of Trick 2 that needs to be swapped because it is a deathmatch between the patchouli and the tobacco with my chemistry, and that's just not pretty. So if anybody here is interested, you know I love you best. I should've brought it to my mini-meet n'sniff with 'snarky, really. s'gone


She had this cute little case to carry all her stuff in, and then I had hurriedly wrapped mine up in plastic grocery bags... classy! Okay, but seriously, I need to find that bag. Not only will I store perfume in it, I will get one to bring my lunch in, because it's that cool.


Speaking of lunch, I need a thermos. Hrm.


Dude, I want rice krispie treats. SO. BADLY.


I have to do 3 more hours at the fitness lab and then I'm done, because I chickened out and dropped down to one credit. That puts me on financial aid probation next quarter, which worries me slightly.


Huh. I really like how Freak Show smells on me. How did I miss this one? Fig and cocoa are nice together.


So, I go back to school tomorrow. Woah! How did my break go by so quickly? Heh. I need a vacation from my vacation. It was good to get out of town, though.


Okay, I'm done. Eee, new ANTM tonight! And new Heroes tomorrow!!!! Very, very excited about those two things. Next Christmas, somebody is getting me Heroes on DVD. Somebody who is my husband, probably.


I'm really done now. G'night lovelies!

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ARGH! I missed the sign-ups this time with being away and all! I really didn't think they would do the next one so soon...


Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! And, wow, I don't think I realized you were an ANTM fan. Me? I used to be but I find it more cringe-worthy every time I tune in...

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We're tracking votes on who thinks who should go every week (culminating with a winner's pick at the end) that involves some sort of point system. So far I've got one lousy point. Bleah. Why won't Eugena just go already!


Part of the fun of ANTM now for us is that we discuss the embarrassingly awful Tyra-riffic displays of hubris. Only her ego is bigger than her head.


Oh! And I'm recording the Heroes mini-marathon on the Sci-Fi channel tonight for a comic-book-geek friend who hasn't had time to catch up on the series.


I :P my teevee.

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Aww, I'm sorry you missed the sign-ups. It sounded like you needed a break from it anyway, though. I had a really good Thanksgiving and I got to meet Snarky! What's not to love about that? When are you going to get on over to the Pacific NW?




If I'd known you were a fan of Heroes, I probably would have talked your ear off about it, because it is my new Great Love, even before Rock Star and depending on how future seasons progress, it may usurp Buffy (gasp).


I went on too much about ANTM, so it's going to be a new entry instead of a reply. Heh.

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Yeah, you are right about that! My heart wanted to participate but my head was not in accordance at all. Neither, I think, was my wallet.

Wow, you met the infamous Snarky! Was a wild time had by all? ARE THERE PICTURES???


Ha! When am I getting to the NW? The question is when am I going to be able to afford to go ANYWHERE again? (just checked my bank account, having a nervous breakdown) Next time I get some vacations time and some cash, I'll let you know :P



I am liking Heroes as well, I just HATE that damn cheesy narrator. I also loathe Ali Larter. I mean she just repulses me; I look at her and I maybe want to puke.





Aww, I'm sorry you missed the sign-ups. It sounded like you needed a break from it anyway, though. I had a really good Thanksgiving and I got to meet Snarky! What's not to love about that? When are you going to get on over to the Pacific NW?




If I'd known you were a fan of Heroes, I probably would have talked your ear off about it, because it is my new Great Love, even before Rock Star and depending on how future seasons progress, it may usurp Buffy (gasp).


I went on too much about ANTM, so it's going to be a new entry instead of a reply. Heh.

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Is Ali Larter Niki? I know Claire's actress is Hayden something with a P. If so, gasp! I :D Niki. I pretty much :D all of them, really. Except for Peter. Guh. Kill him already. And I'm so-so on Isaac. Like, I can do without him.


Isn't the narrator Mohinder? I noticed that I hate how Americans pronounce his name, but when people in India say it, it sounds perfect and beautiful. We need more India! :P Anyway! I'm late for school, sort of.


Oh! No pictures of the 'snark-meet. I wasn't thinking, sorry!

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Yeah, Ali Larter is Nikki...sorry to be a hater :P I think I liked her in Final Destination when she weighed 15-20 lbs more...now she just sort of makes me ill.


I guess I am not talking about Mohinder, at one point I thought there was another narrator, some cheesy sounding guy that usually pipes in at least once an episode about how "our heroes" are doing, but maybe I am just crazy and made the whole thing up!


Seems like we have dissimilar tastes in characters...I sort of hate Melrose too. Sorry!

(not because she always wins, I say let the best man win and she is obviously good. Just because, I don't know, I hate that "I'm pretending to be humble" smile that she gives the judges when she is picked as a challenge winner or is picked not to be eliminated. gah. yuck.) But what do I know? My favourite didn't even make it to the final 13!

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Re: Melrose: I think if I'd watched from the beginning, she would bug the hell out of me for those exact reasons, but I sort of tuned in right before they sent that poor little girl home. (On her graduation night! And then chided her for mentioning it!! Freaks.)


There is something odd about Ali Larter's proportions or something; I was mentioning it to my husband last night. But I like her as an actress and her character in the show.


If I could look like one person on the show it'd be Mohinder's ex. She is lovely and she carries herself so gracefully! sigh. Or, possibly, Eden. I'd dress up like a pixie every day. I'm back to body image, because I saw this girl at the fitness center today who was absolutely tiny. She was the size of my pinky. I don't want to be that skinny (though it was okay on her proportions, I thought) but I'm back to moaning about my weight anyway. Hah.


I think you're right about the other announcer guy. And he IS annoying.


You know what, though? They didn't save the cheerleader. Or, at least, there's a cheerleader they failed to save, and that makes me feel like they somehow let the world down. Heroes, get it together!


So, yeah. Just rambling, I guess! I had a rough day. I will be so glad when classes are out next week. Dude. I screwed up my last math exam, so I need to take the final. So I need to review everything we've covered, which is surprisingly quite a lot. Okay, done now!

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