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Saw my Reflection in the Burrito

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Snarky has Stevie Nicks by way of Lucy Lawless stuck in her head now... though sometimes the voice switches over to that Smashing Pumpkins guy.


Which is really, really annoying. She really missed the Smashing Pumpkins boat mostly because of Corgan. Sure his voice (grating, nasal, tremulous) was the angry yawp of her "generation", but Snarky hasn't been all that keen about her generation either.


The Snarks are going into this short work week completely unprepared for Turkey Day. They have a vague idea of a menu, but since the only attendants to The Feast will be themselves, they haven't really put a great deal of pressure on the timeliness of said meal.


They are still hosting family, though. The difference is that that particular meal is happening tonight (!!) and Snarky came up with the menu for tonight's meal while trying to get to sleep last night. DarkityMa (she of the "start cooking three days in advance" method) would be ashamed.


So tonight Snarky's father's older sister's middle son and his wife (ie her cousins) will be fed gingered catfish and mysteriously cooked spring pea tips & tendrils. "Mysteriously" because Snarky has only cooked these kinds of greens twice (boiled the first time, stir fried the second) with varying results. Tonight she'll probably par-boil then finish off in the wok after she's done with the catfish. The Snarks love to experiment on their guests. (insert hand rubbing and low, evil laugh here)


Shoot. Now Snarky's hungry.


PS More proof positive that The Mister is a perfect match for Snarky: she called to touch base over her lunch break about tonight, and he's gone and added about three more dishes to include with the meal (appetizer, additional side, and dessert). :)

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I am rather relieved that you aren't doing a darkitysnark fajita round-up! :P I am really hungry after reading your blog and I want to impersonate a relative of yours and come over to your house... lucky for you, I'm a half-continent away. :D

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I am rather relieved that you aren't doing a darkitysnark fajita round-up! :P I am really hungry after reading your blog and I want to impersonate a relative of yours and come over to your house... lucky for you, I'm a half-continent away. :D


Snarky's fajita round-up would be quite the affair, though... she wonders if that neon sign is available on eBay perhaps...


Oh, Snarky could make it worse. The Mister is making for the appetizer his very own Special Guacamole. It contains a little granny smith apple along with chunks of tomato and the usual suspects. The dessert will be some sort of peach crumble, most likely served piping hot with a scoop of Umpqua brand vanilla ice cream. It's a local company that's ad campaign states "I must get umpteen kinds of Umpqua ice cream!" or somesuch. Very cute... and accurate. Their flavor of the month is pumpkin pie.

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Oh, Snarky could make it worse. The Mister is making for the appetizer his very own Special Guacamole. It contains a little granny smith apple along with chunks of tomato and the usual suspects. The dessert will be some sort of peach crumble, most likely served piping hot with a scoop of Umpqua brand vanilla ice cream. It's a local company that's ad campaign states "I must get umpteen kinds of Umpqua ice cream!" or somesuch. Very cute... and accurate. Their flavor of the month is pumpkin pie.


I am pinned to the mat! I cry "uncle!" You are lucky I am not booking a flight to darkityland right now!

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Darkityland would be a fun place, indeed. Also fattening.


And... Snarky totally wrote herself into hunger too! And her guests won't be at the house until seven! Aye carumba!

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Oh darkity, I am pining for pumpkin:) even though I have jsut been taken out to my b-day dinner by a friend and her hubby to a "casual, but FINEEEEE restaurant."

I'd never been there-it was the kind of restaurant OTHER people get to go to. Yummm-chanterelles,yuuuummm perfectly prepared steak, yummmflan,and did I mention flan- I think we need to invent more occasions for good meals, and it sounds like you have the occasion-and the meal--I am imagining colorful foods in a colorful house-happy pre-turkey day!

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Oh darkity, I am pining for pumpkin:) even though I have jsut been taken out to my b-day dinner by a friend and her hubby to a "casual, but FINEEEEE restaurant."

I'd never been there-it was the kind of restaurant OTHER people get to go to. Yummm-chanterelles,yuuuummm perfectly prepared steak, yummmflan,and did I mention flan- I think we need to invent more occasions for good meals, and it sounds like you have the occasion-and the meal--I am imagining colorful foods in a colorful house-happy pre-turkey day!



Snarky just drooled a little bit. Her most favorite family of desserts is the custardy one (yeah, that's a word). Flan, creme brulee, kenafe, panna cotta (even if it is just "milk jell-o). Aaaaargh. Snarky needs to go and find a more satisfying lunch than Trader Joe's bucket-o-sodium. :P

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