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BPAL Madness!
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I love teh Smut

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I work for a state legislature. They only meet part of the year and they're almost finished, but the final week or two can involve working some long hours, because they meet into the night. A lot of it is a hurry-up-and-wait process for my office, since if there's something on the agenda, we have to sit around and wait for it to come up for debate. There may be a lot of blog entries from yours truly next week...


Anyway, this afternoon a coworker and I were looking at Monday's very long agenda. He commented on a bill title -- something to do with obscene materials. He said: "Hmmm...it's a smut bill." I automatically said: "I love teh Smut!"


He looked at me and said: "Really?" Not that he's a prude, not one little bit, it was just the rapidity of my remark and my great comfort in saying it that took him aback. I told him about Smut of the BPAL variety. He said: "Is this the same group that made the Beaver Moon t-shirt and that Naughty t-shirt?" I said yeah, more or less. (No point boring him with BPAL and BPTP distinctions.)


I still hope the lovely and talented Macha makes a Smut t-shirt design some day, 'cause we do love teh Smut.

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Recommended Comments

this is hilarious.


Shelldo, that is high praise because you make me laugh a lot, and your signature line is what I'd call the name of the game. Plus I'd guess you're a bit of a lingerie finery diva yourself... Hope you're off ordering that panty monster today!!

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