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BPAL Madness!
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You take the good, you take the bad...

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Snarky was just going to throw out a light, humorous, purple-prose-free post about the miracle of covering things in chocolate (obviously, the good), but she just got a call from the imaging center asking her to come back in for additional views (alarmingly, extremely, horrifically bad).


Based on her mother's occurences of breast cancer (2-3 times, depending on how you look at it), Snarky went in for an early baseline mammogram two days ago. The woman who called was very reassuring about the fact that several women get these "call backs", and that the reasons that are bringing Snarky back in (that have absolutely nothing to do with the glaring C WORD that neither mentioned over the phone) could be overlapped tissue and the fact that the radiologist wants the baseline mammogram to be as accurate as possible.


Still. Snarky can't help feeling the tears crawling up the back of her throat... nor the sense of absolute, blind, shrieking panic just barely restrained by her too-tight, too-cold skin.


Perhaps she should have saved the last chocolate covered Nutter Butter for later.

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Awwww, huge hugs for you, DS. :hug:


While I'm sure everything will be fine, I'm sending positive vibes your way!



i had cancer scare about 2 years ago, it literally had me quaking, and it turned out ok. hang in there and stay positive, we are here to listen if ya need us

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Working toward Zen for now. Thank you all for your thoughts.


Indian food has helped. So has the brief appearance of sunshine and walking weather.

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A big hug and plenty of calming thoughts will be sent to the darkkittysnark when I head off for my night meditation in a couple of minutes. And then another hug or two.


The radiologists like to be double, triple, quadruple sure if there's a history in the family. And maybe like me, you have "dense" breasts. I asked a radiology tech once how they could tell my boobs had a low IQ, and once she finished laughing, she said that some women (especially those of us with the little perksters) have denser breast tissue than those with larger models. And since you're younger and getting a baseline, the breasts are naturally going to be denser and harder to image. So to have a really good baseline, they're going to try to improve some images.


But I'm thinking of you and I feel so bad that you have to worry about such a thing, but I'm sure it's routine in nature.

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