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BPAL Madness!
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I logged on today thinking there would just be a Lunacy blend and that's all, and there were all these others! I already had my order planned, and since I bought a bottle of 13 I was only going to buy 2 bottles, Quincey Morris and Wilhemina Murray. Now I'm pondering changing that :)


--Bitter Moon -- the ingredients list reminds me of Chrysanthemum Moon, but with extra flowers. I'll pass

--Purple Phoenix -- this one I'm torn about, as some of the ingredients sound great and others (violet, fig, lilac) haven't worked in other blends. But who knows?


What a surprise to see more discontinueds released! I actually squealed a little when I saw Glasya -- this was a frimp in one of my first orders and was discontinued soon after I got into BPAL. It's one of those magical wonders, in that dragon's blood and civet are "yuck" on me, but Glasya is this beautiful dark incense that doesn't morph. I even put some on today to help me decide, and I still can't decide! *grr*


The other DC's were never tried and I'm not jonesing for any particular one, even though Glitter has a loyal following.


Decision time: I'm ordering Quincey Morris and Purple Phoenix. While Mina Murray sounds nice, it's been compared to Alice and Parlement of Foules and I have bottles of those already. I think I'll be happy with my Glasya imp, as I have a bunch of other BPAL-incensey blends that I B) including Snake Charmer and Mme. Moriarty and Hellion -- those seem to have an extra "oomph" included.

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Dang. I had almost talked myself out of ordering Glasnya, and upon reading your description of how it smelled on you, I want to try it again!!!

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Oopsie! :thumbsup: I'm trying to talk myself out of ordering it later this month, i.e. "What if it smells nice because it's aged?" The imp is over 2 years old at this point, but I wrote down "BPAL incense that doesn't morph" when I first tried it.


OK, I'll order a bottle if I start working by the end of the month before it goes away :)

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