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being second guessed

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This is a hypothetical question, of course... but why does my husband have to second guess everything I do lately in regards to our daughter??? The doctor I take her to isn't good enough in his mind. Nevermind he's the only doctor I completely trust him, and really like him, and see him for my own health care. And he goes to a PA who's answer to everything is to take an antibiotic, and that's ok?? Nevermind I'm the one who always takes her to the doctor. And he now seems to doubt I know best in everything that pertains to her MSUD. Who's the one who knows how to mix her formula, how much protein she can tolerate, who does her blood sticks, etc, etc, etc.? If I were to die tomorrow, he would be completely lost.


It's not being second guessed that I hate so much, it's just being second guessed by someone who has no knowledge on the subject, yet still assumes his way is the best way??




:peep: :evil:

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Ah, yes The Expert. *pouring you a mango margarita* He should be grateful for all you are doing for your child. I am married to an Expert, too, and his second-guessing is his way of attempting to control a situation over which he has no control. :hug: and good luck to you and your little one.

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Thank you for that margarita, I needed it!


I woke up this morning to a nasty note because I dried a shirt of his he wanted hung up. Why oh why didn't I use my mind reading powers so I would know that?? Guess who can do his own damn laundry from now on??


:hug: to you too... the next round of margaritas is on me!

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