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I'm actually in a fairly good mood. I got my switchee's package all wrapped up and mailed out today in what I thought was a flat rate box, but was not. Ah well.


The box is painfully small, but it is well packed and there are a few things in there I think she'll enjoy. Now to wait for her to get it! I love this part- not so much the waiting, but the hoping she'll love it and knowing it's on the way.


By the way, inky, I knew you were monet's switch witch- something about the bubble tea in the drawing made me think of you. Dude! You're an artist! :joy:


I hope you all have been as spoiled as I have. My SW still hasn't done a reveal, but left me a note saying that she would do that very soon. I'm on pins and needles!


I'm really glad that my husband and I get to be together... we didn't realize how much the housemate was draining our emotional resources- and we already thought he was draining too much. As for the housemate... only time will tell if he and I will get back to a place of friendship. Right now, wounds need time to close up and heal. After that, it's sort of in his court.


The boy and I are getting used to being comfortable in our own home with one another, and that is a good feeling.


With the exception of the ever present money issue. Gah.

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Hee! I never fail to get a kick out of seeing someone, somewhere, mentioning me in some way, shape or form. Mostly no one ever does, maybe that's why I like it so much. I'm sort of a wall-flower like that :rofl:


I can't believe you knew that was me, that is so cool! And I know what you mean...I wait with baited breath to see if my switchee likes what I sent, hoping that I drew the right conclusions about her, hoping that there wasn't something crucial I missed when I was doing the stalking. Heh. I seriously do some serious stalking.


I haven't heard much from my SW this round; about a month ago she emailed me a pattern I'd been wanting to try, but since then not a peep. I don't like posting things like that though, I don't want to make someone feel bad if they are one of those SWs who suprises you at the very end. I tell you though, I am very curious, at least, to see who it is!

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The package should arrive (sans knitting project) monday or tuesday. There was a small one earlier, but nothing really in between. I got caught up in life issues, but I tried to be communicative. I just haven't been lately.


I was going to draw you something, but now I'm glad I didn't! :P I would now be embarrassed. But I am so glad that you got praised on your creativity, because now you know you have it in you! And you were so worried about lacking in that area! :rofl:


Oh, and Snarky, if you're reading this, I loved your post about wearing the striped socks to your departmental dinner- it made me laugh, in a much needed, good sort of way!


yr- where are yooou? I miss hearing from you.

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I was going to draw you something, but now I'm glad I didn't! :rofl: I would now be embarrassed. But I am so glad that you got praised on your creativity, because now you know you have it in you! And you were so worried about lacking in that area.


What? No, don't be embarassed! I really do not think I am that good, it was just a doodle with some pictures used for reference! I'd LOVE to see your drawings/sketchings/whatever (see? that's how little I know...I don't even know what to calll them!)


I bet though, if I practiced, I could be pretty decent! My father is a cartoonist and a sculptor so it runs in my blood even if I don't know what to do with it!

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