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I smell a dilemma.

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Excuse what might seem like a rambling incoherent post, as I'm half asleep, my mind is blurry and I'm premenstrual at the moment. I have enough RL drama in my life, such as my mother falling out with my godmother and me being caught up in the middle, and I come to these forums to unwind. I just really hope this doesn't get me flamed.


The reason I am feel a little unsettled by these posts is because recently I bought the 'custom scent pack' from the company in question, and I was really looking forward to getting my own scent blended for me. But all these recent posts have me worried and my mind is conflicted. I love the scents this company makes, no matter what people say. I will get the custom scents done and will buy my own bottles but whether I should make my custom scents available to the public, I don't know.


All I will say for now is that I love good quality, ingenious, beautifully crafted and just damn good smelling perfume.

BPAL is obviously my favourite of the lot, making up about 75% or more of my collection, and Beth is one of my role models and I admire her ingenuity, skill with scents and originality, but I do love many others, be they etailers or ones bought from shops (though not mainstream designer ones), and I don't want to be judged for it. I don't want to be seen as weak, an unwise shopper, or easily led by pretty names and concepts, cute labels and tempting note combinations. I don't want others to think I have a 'poor taste in perfume' (I can't help it that my olfactory tastes being so wide or my skin chem being so good-mannered) or to be seen as a bad person just because I like buying and enjoying other non-BPAL scents.

Ok, this last sentence may be an exaggeration of what's going on (a lot of people on this forum do buy other perfumes and they state that they buy other brands, and no-one minds) but I don't want all this to boil down to the banning of other perfume oil threads in the Retail Therapy forum. I mean, there are loads of etailer threads there that haven't recieved any drama, like Arcana or Possets, and a few others I think. So just because one (or two, if you think back to last year's AC kerfuffle, or three if you count Femaledictions, though that was well founded due to actual bad CS and missing orders and so on...that's another story) perfume thread becomes a drama magnet, doesn't mean they all will. I could say more but I am so dumb when it comes to legal matters and business matters so I won't let my stupidity in these fields show. But I love scent of all kinds and if a scent works with my skin chem and makes me feel good wearing it, then I'll wear it and love it, no matter where it comes from.


I know right now a that perhaps some people will disagree with me but this is my opinion of it all right now.

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I say go for it and wear whatever you like! Don't even worry about what other people think, because people who like to judge are always going to find something to judge you on, so it's not worth worrying about. :nervous:

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Awww, I'm sad that this drama is making you feel bad. I'm not sure if you read my blog entry, but I hope I'm not responsible for you feeling that way. :ack:


Usually drama of this kind doesn't affect me so much (it depends on the intensity of course. This is nothing compared to that wank meme :nervous: ) but because I'm PMSing it's gotten to me more than usual, I admit.


I have seen your blog and I admit that it's made me think. I must say that I don't hate you for it, not at all! The internet is a free 'country' so to speak, and blogs are for opinions of all kinds, for getting things off your chest, and not everyone will agree with every opinion out there, that's human nature. I'm still wondering whether to agree with your analysis or not but I personally have had very good dealings with Michele and have had good luck with some of her scents (not everything from H&E is wonderful but the scents that work are fantastic) but if these claims you are true (and seemingly backed up by Beth) maybe I should stay back a bit for a while? But I can't decide. My nose thinks one way, and my brain the other. :lol:

I'm especially conflicted about the H&E custom scent order-I've spent 30 bucks on it and I was hoping to get scents made for me and to make them public. Now I'm a little uneasy about it even though the concept is so promising...I don't think I can get a refund but do I even want one?

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Well, I guess I should say that even with all the stuff I wrote in my post, I don't think Michele is a bad person. As a couple of other people have written in their blogs, she was probably just using the sort of business practices she's learned in the corporate world that she's been a part of for so long. I don't happen to like those practices, but some people have posted in my blog that it doesn't bother them and they don't see what the big deal is. Also, not everyone here gets as upset when other business owners are disrespectful to Beth as I do.


Plus... how well do you really know anyone you buy from? I mean, for all I know maybe the owner of Arcana Soaps or Ava Luxe (I've bought from both of them several times) is in here looking at all the posts too. Maybe one of them is selling somebody else's oil on eBay for an even bigger profit than what Michele was selling BPAL bottles for. Who knows? Maybe the only difference is that the other owners didn't post here. I honestly have no way of knowing.


I don't and won't think anyone who buys products from Michele is wrong for doing so. You know, there are several people who have said that Arcana oils seem like poor quality to them. And I bet they probably are. I mean, they make soaps with those fragrances. I doubt that they use really high quality ingredients for a soap fragrance. But I like several of them. They may be poor quality, but it's my choice to spend my money on them. If someone said "Hey I just found out Arcana uses oils that cost like $2 for 100mls and are totally cheap!" I'd think, "Hmm, yeah, well I thought that might be the case." And then I'd order another 10ml of Devilish. :thumbsup:


It's your choice to spend your money on whatever you like, and I don't think you should worry about what anyone else thinks of your decisions.

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