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--I got my big birthday order yesterday (Saturday 10/21, 5 bottles! Woo!), which was held up for Pumpkin Queen. I :joy: the Lab because I think they threw in a couple of extra frimps, probably because the component issue of PQ held up the order. Worth the wait! It really perked up my week. I even got a frimp of Vice, which has been on my wishlist for forever and a day.


--I have my current job for another week, then who knows? No one's given me a definite date. I called my previous job, and the HR staff supervisor said she was "thrilled" that I would return, but she had to "crunch some numbers" to make sure they can fit me in salary-wise. I was happy, then sad. I still have a bunch of friends there and the money was good, so I hope to hear something this week.


--[minor rant]You know what's the worst about losing this job? Losing my laptop! I fell in love with this over the last 16 months -- I can sit wherever I want in the house, I can travel with it, I can stay online as long as I want even if DH wants to be on the main computer. I have the opportunity to buy it back after I leave for a good price, but Boss Lady said I have too much "importance" on it and she needs it after I leave. Nonononono! *hugs laptop in death grip* Hopefully I can get her husband to do a data transfer to her computer (he's the techie of the two) and then I can get Lappy back.

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I want a Pumpkin Queen review from you! (Or maybe you've already reviewed in the regular reviews...) I keep thinking I might enjoy it, although it's not like I need it -- I have my Lab imp packet on order, a 7 or 8 imp decant circle order, a bottle of 13 and three bottles from Possets on their way. And I have bottles of Snake Oil sitting in the "Snake Oil cellar" to age, since I'm obsessed with aged Snake Oil. Just why would I think I need Pumpkin Queen? But I do. :)


It sounds like you are going to be quickly employed after the current gig ends... and I hope the hubby can do the tech transfer for so you can at least have the laptop!

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PQ is already reviewed! :) I've tried to immediately review all the bottles I get instead of procrastinating and then forgetting.


Boss Lady said that I can leave Lappy on Friday and she swears her husband will do the data transfer that weekend and I could pick it up right after. *whew!*

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