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BPAL Madness!
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I'm sure you watched him leave with some relief and some remorse. You and your hubby were very kind to take him in for as long as you did, especially as newlyweds.

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I'm sure you watched him leave with some relief and some remorse. You and your hubby were very kind to take him in for as long as you did, especially as newlyweds.


I feel like we got conned, and then I feel guilty for feeling that way. I wonder if he's lying, and I wonder if it matters. I feel glad that he's gone, and then I feel- you guessed it!- guilty. I feel angry that he didn't thank us, and I'd like to chalk that up to just him being who he is, but that even makes me mad. I feel awful for all the lengths my family and friends went to for him because he was my friend and I let him in. I feel angry that my husband and I didn't really get to be newlyweds because we were too busy parenting him. I cried this morning because we usually chat when I head out to school, and I just realized that it's never going to happen again. I feel guilty for feeling sad that he's gone, and I wonder if I did lose a friend, or if I lost a stranger. I just don't know what to do with the whole experience. I don't want this to become an angry part of me. And I don't want it to close me off from people, but I also don't want to feel taken advantage of again. I know everyone around me is acting like it's this big huge relief and celebration is in order and whatnot, and I agree and understand, but I miss my friend. And I shouldn't have to feel guilty for that. I don't have to feel guilty for it. I just do.


(Wow, this should've been the entry, I guess. Sorry!)

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Conflicting feelings aside (that's easy for me to say!), I think you and your hubby should declare yourself to be newly-newlyweds, and act accordingly! :) You need to live as just the two of you and celebrate your marriage, and it's never too late to do that!

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We're slowly getting back there. We hadn't realized how much of our energy was going towards him- we were basically parenting him, and it was our fault for enabling him, too. We've learned stuff, and we're adjusting to it being just us again and things are about to get fun again... I have missed having time alone with him! It is simply delicious. :nervous:

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