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BPAL Madness!
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long time no obsess

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Well not really, I'm always fighting the urge to buy buy buy and I'm sure many of you sympathize with me there. I just placed two orders that I'm dying to finally get! The first one consists of; Lucy Westenra, The Carpathian Mountains (because how awesome is it to have Dracula-themed scents), Dia De Los Muertos 2006 (my only Halloweenie scent) and three CD scents; Carnival Diabolique, Midnight on the Midway and The Candy Butcher. These will be my first CD scents so I'm super super excited about it! :joy: I feel like I'm the only one not talking about them!


My next order is a bit more conservative and includes; 13 (because I couldn't resist), a 5ml of Loviatar and two Yules (Snow Maiden and Snowflakes) that I hope work on me although I don't have high hopes. It's funny, I have a zillion imps waiting for me to try, I belong to the GC swap circle AND I still haven't made up my mind about the Dark Moons and yet here I am needing more! I guess I'm just crazy.


I've been trying, rather unsuccessfully to get a few local friends equally obsessed but so far, nothing. I even bring out the imps when people come over and have them sniff! What's wrong with these people!? I'm planning a party for this Saturday to break in my brand new apartment and (ultimately) seduce a guy I know and I'm not only planning food and drinks but also scent.......do I want to go sexy or innocent? I'm thinking of using Red Lantern, Underpants, Loviatar or Alice. Red Lantern and Loviatar might be a bit overpowering and Underpants maybe too sweet but I feel like Alice is an everyday scent and not so much party material. I suppose it all depends on what I want to project; decadence, sex, dominance or innocence.....although Loviatar might give me some much needed confidence and maybe I could layer it on top of Follow Me Boy or #20 Love Oil for extra oomph. I just can't believe more people don't understand the importance of the right scent for the right occasion. Hasn't anyone else heard that adage; you wear clothes for other women but you wear scent for a man. I don't know if he's a scent guy at all but it can't hurt to have that in my corner.


And I'm done preaching to the choir. :umm:

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