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BPAL Madness!
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In the beginning there was BPAL, and it was good.

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I was happy being poor. I lived on the ragged edge of "squeaking by", clipping coupons and buying budget coffee. Along came BPAL, and everything changed. I applied for a third job. I created a budget. I haunt the BPAL website in my spare time, and now I'm wasting away on the forums.


There are imps on the way, oh yes. They'll invade my house and settle on my pulse points. They'll drive me to distraction with conflicting emotions, and in November I will place a second order.


I'm doomed.

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Hi Betty Baker! I'm one of the pride of Leos who showed up on your intro thread. Give up your power to BPAL and smell better than any human could dare to smell. :)


Welcome to the blog island! We're a small, friendly, stream-of-consciousness group.

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Hi Betty Baker! I'm one of the pride of Leos who showed up on your intro thread. Give up your power to BPAL and smell better than any human could dare to smell. :rofl:


Welcome to the blog island! We're a small, friendly, stream-of-consciousness group.



Thank you! I have duly sacrificed coffee-money to the Lords and Ladies of BPAL, and I must admit, I smell amazing. =) Thank you for the welcome! I'm having a lot of fun skulking about and commenting when I can get my courage up.

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