Feeling Accomplished (for once!)
Ah, Sundays. I always have a love/hate relationship with Sundays. On the one hand they always signal the end of the weekend but on the other I love Sundays because usually I just lie around in my pajama pants reading the newspaper, drinking tea and eating things that are bad for me.
Today, I (kind of) did just that *and* I managed to get some much needed work done. The boy spent the weekend at my place so today we had most of the afternoon together before he drove down back to his place. We finally went to Rita's. All you East Coast-ers know what I'm talkin' about. For everyone else, they sell delicious icees, ice cream, cream-ice and "gelatis". They're only open during the warmer seasons and we were lucky enough to catch them for the very first time today. It also happened to be their last day open until March 1st. The boy got a banana gelati, while I got a cookies and cream gelati. Their gelatis were...interesting....but very good. A Rita's gelati consists of a layer of frozen custard on the bottom of the cup, a layer of flavored ice in the middle, and a topping of more frozen custard on top. Mmmm.
Well, after we went to Rita's we got lunch which allowed the gelatis to melt and mix in the cups in the car. I went to a Halloween party store where we discussed our costumes. He still has no idea what he wants to be, but he's seeming very excited to go as Vincent from Pulp Fiction 'cause I hinted that it would be cool to go as Mia and Vincent. Also a plus, a Mia outfit would be super easy to put together. All I really have to buy is a wig. I already have a white dress shirt, black pants and if I do this costume, I will place some powdered sugar on my nose and have a little droplet of blood coming out of my nose
My other costume option would be a devil/schoolgirl thing, or Asami from Takeshi Miike's Audition. May be a little obscure for some people at the party who've never seen it, but man will it be freaky for those who have! ("kiri kiri kiriiii....")
We also watched Dead Like Me on DVD today. It was a great show, I'm sorry I never got a chance to catch it on cable before it was canceled. George's character need to stop with the whining for, like, *one* episode, please.
After he left, I got quite a bit of my take-home midterm exam done. I only have a couple questions left and I should definitely be done by Thursday (due date) *knock on wood*.
And can I just say how much I haaaaaaate take-homes? They're always a million times harder than in class exams (because you supposedly have more time to research/prepare it) and it always stresses me out more.
I have two separate study groups I'm going to on Tuesday for two different classes...oh man I hope I can get some pre-studying in beforehand.
Yule Update!
Tentative To Buy List:
Lick It Again - peppermint + sugar (supposedly more than last year! yay!)
Brides of Dracula - almost based on name alone. I'm hoping this one at least smells pleasant on me even though I know florals generally aren't my thing.
Sugar Skull '06- mmmm, sugar
And imps of:
Miskatonic University
Night Gaunt
Black Lily
Shadow Witch Orchid