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13 update!

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I've been feeling a bit down and out-of-sorts lately with the job situation, so this big update is a nice distraction. I waffled on 13 -- I bought a bottle of the 2005 original and while it was nice, I ended up swapping it away. I think it was the iris at the end that made it not as enjoyable. Anyway, the reformulation was tempting enough so it's been ordered.


I can't believe there are Yule bottles available! I tried Jacob's Ladder at a Meet-n-Sniff and didn't like it as much as I thought I would -- unfortunately I haven't found an amber blend I love yet. Stardust has a great description, but I tried it and it's not something I would ever wear regularly. I already have bottles of Lick It and Midnight Mass. Here are the new ones I'm interested in:


Haloa -- I'm all over any reference to wine, but the "cakey" note hasn't been working on me lately

Jolasveinar -- snow and dirt sound intriguing and different, and with pastries in the background? Weird!

Knecht Ruprecht -- more snow, this time with fruit trees, but if "Black Forest" means pine in any fashion it won't be good for me

Krampus -- this one sounds like a lot of fun, but the black leather scents come out too processed and "city," if that makes any sense. I like the leather of Dead Man's Hand (and Quincey Morris, from the reviews). We'll see

Snow-Flakes -- I'm anxiously awaiting the hopeful return of Snow White, so hopefully this isn't a substitute, but it sounds nice anyway

Sol Invictus -- this sounds a lot like Litha (great!) and Et Lux Fuit (OK), so I'll check the reviews

Yule -- I had a bottle of Yuletide which was good but not great. Too much Krafty Korner craft store smell. This one might be a bit more complex


Phoo, that's a lot. The new GCs I'm interested in are:


Mania -- the musk blends have really been nice lately. Smut totally changed my perspective ;)

Horreur Sympathique -- wow, so many great ingredients, I can't wait to start reading reviews of this one

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I'm doing a decant circle on some the Yule scents that you're interested in, and I ordered an imp package with at least one of the new GCs you want to try, so for everything that doesn't work on me, I now know who will need to try them next! The new 13 formulation did sound rather nice, didn't it? And Beth said it was sexy as hell, and when her royal high priestess Beth-ness says its sexy, I sit up and listen!


What's happening on the job front, as far as timelines/other possiblities? It's always hard to part from a group of people that you enjoy. I work for a legislature and a term limits constitutional amendment passed a few years back, so the first (very large) group of term limited senators had their last session this year. It was really sad; I'd known and worked with a lot of those people for years and I like and respect many of them. It felt like a part of the job died; I didn't realize how sad it would make me until the goodbyes during the last day. So I understand your feeling of melancholy.


May a nice order of 13 bring you happiness good luck! :)

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I've never jumped in a decant circle, and that seems like a good way to try a bunch of the huge LE updates without buying every bottle. And Beth's little sidenote is what probably convinced me to retry 13 :)


Thanks for the encouragement too! Boss Lady said that this coming week will probably be it for me. But I'll be calling the old job on Monday to let them know and hopefully they'll bite. Things should get interesting! :)

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