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Snarky has been back for a week now, but she can't seem to get the floaty boat feeling out of her head. Add to that the continued "hit-the-ground-runningness" of her new job (which she is really starting to enjoy despite its ability to snatch the hours and days right from underneath her like a neat card room trick) and she just can't seem to find the time to re-establish her online persona.


She's also been feeling a bit Garbo lately too.


Still, she's going to make an effort to get back in to the swing of things.


And where words might be slow in trickling back into the well for her, Snarky always has more pictures!



First day out to sea.



The Hitler Bangs are Dead. Long live the Bangs of Indeterminate Length and/or Direction!



DarkityBro soaking up the sun (and being spied upon by his older sister).



The DarkityRents are also cute whilst evading the pesky paparazzi.



Many moons ago Snarky spent a semester studying ancient Mayan architecture. The Chichen Itza ruins include the main temple (El Castillo) which does a neat trick every Equinox. The Snarks where there a day early. Damn you Murphy, and your stupid Law! It was still an impressive site (and sight), even if the government no longer allows tourists to scramble at their own peril up the steep temple stairs.


Mostly besides the sights and sounds, there was The Food. Oh sweet honey in the rock, was there Food. Snarky will need to make a whole separate post just to discuss the heirarchy and humongousness of The Food.


But for now... she's slinking back into her cave to play with some sticks and string. It up and got all Autumnal before she even realized it. Perfect knitting weather!

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I am so glad that you are back! (But I am equally glad that you got a chance to get away)




And what, praytell, are you sticking and stringing right now?

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:) for the Return of the Darkitysnark!


I think there is a darkity photographic style emerging, and I could see an art show titled: "The World Through Darkity Eyes." Lots of intriguing back-of-head shots, profiles, reflected images, half-face shots. Seriously. I love photographs like that. They make me laugh and they pique the imagination.


It looks like the cruise was nice; beautiful sunsets and FOOD. :) I too want to hear more!


Edited because I shouldn't write comments and talk on the phone at the same time.

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Yay! Darkity's back! :D Good pictures too.


Danke. :D



I am so glad that you are back! (But I am equally glad that you got a chance to get away)




And what, praytell, are you sticking and stringing right now?


Snarky has a backlog of gifts she needs to make. One is a (INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) for her Switch Witch, another is a set of sumthin' sumthin's for Miss Minilux. There's also a Knit-thulu for DeathRockBaby (as soon as Snarky can find the yarn she bought specifically for this project, which got mysteriously whisked away in preparation for the Darkity'Rents' visit). Oh and the cabled sweater coat Snarky always has on the back burner for herself.


Fall is awesome knittin' weather. :)


As for the food... oh dear sweet honey lemon Jesus. Snarky really tried to be a conscientious eater around her brother, but she completely lost it by about oh, say, Day Two. (Or maybe Day Three... whenever it was that she had the Foie Gras Souffle.)


:) for the Return of the Darkitysnark!


I think there is a darkity photographic style emerging, and I could see an art show titled: "The World Through Darkity Eyes." Lots of intriguing back-of-head shots, profiles, reflected images, half-face shots. Seriously. I love photographs like that. They make me laugh and they pique the imagination.


It looks like the cruise was nice; beautiful sunsets and FOOD. :) I too want to hear more!


Edited because I shouldn't write comments and talk on the phone at the same time.


Snarky has a few pictures with actual faces in posey "We were here" type arrangements, but they don't interest her as much. Most of her architectural pics are pretty private too - they are all of details and small things that were of interest to her, and don't really provide much helpful narrative for the casual observer.


Snarky didn't get nearly enough food photos taken, though... as she was too busy stuffing her face with it to be able to take any good shots. Also she was worried she'd make the head waiter nervous.

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I'm glad you had such a fantastic time! I love the pictures as well, especially the one of the ruins. And your parents. And... yeah. All of them. :) I am feeling more interested in knitting lately, too, which is sorta good- since it needs to get done! And I am painfully slow. We need pictures of your finished stuff! Okay, talk to you soon.


(I haven't been the greatest about commenting, either!) :)


Oh! Glad the job is going so well!

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