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BPAL Madness!
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I've lost momentum with my secret project now that school started and I had to pull out five rows. Five doesn't sound like a lot, but it feels like a lot.


I almost bought a set of size 3 double pointed needles today, and then realized I wouldn't have the first idea how to use them. I'll get there eventually, I guess. I don't know.


I'm doing okay in math so far. I like that it's a much slower pace. I just could not cover that amount of material in such a short time and grasp it... obviously. So I'm going to work really hard this quarter, again.


I need to work out next week. I'll try and go in extra early one day, if I can get to bed early enough. I just need to get in there, it doesn't matter how long. If I do it once, I can do it regularly from there on out without it being too much of a strain on my anxiety. So... here's hopin'.


I wish my switchee would post more!

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I wish my switchee would post more too! She doesn't have a blog or an lj or ...anything really. How do people survive without talking about themselves?!?

I am kidding, sort of. But I really just can't imagine NOT having a blog!


DPNs are so much fun, once you get the hang of them you will love them...plus I love how clever they make me look! Seriously! I could be dumb as a box of rocks and people will see me fiddling with them and think I am a genius :)


I know how you feel about ripping back a project, especially one with a deadline. I am making a silk wrap for a friend of mine and that silk is SO SLIPPERY...I have had to rip that f'er back like 5 times already.


Good luck!

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I wish my switchee would post more too! She doesn't have a blog or an lj or ...anything really. How do people survive without talking about themselves?!?

I am kidding, sort of. But I really just can't imagine NOT having a blog!


DPNs are so much fun, once you get the hang of them you will love them...plus I love how clever they make me look! Seriously! I could be dumb as a box of rocks and people will see me fiddling with them and think I am a genius :)


I know how you feel about ripping back a project, especially one with a deadline. I am making a silk wrap for a friend of mine and that silk is SO SLIPPERY...I have had to rip that f'er back like 5 times already.


Good luck!


What're your thoughts on cables? Easier than double points or just different or harder? I just wish I could make something prettier.


I think I really like knitting and would like to get better. I wasn't sure I'd take to it, and I still haven't finished anything, so it's hard saying, but I think I like it.


My switchee does post and she has a rather unkept-up blog, but it'd be nice to get more of a feel for her. And everyone on the thread is posting about the "big" gift they're all antsy to send, and I'm all worried, because I don't have a big gift.


You will have to post pictures of the wrap!

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I like cables, they are definitely fun. I've only done little cables so far, nothing intricate...but I can't wait to do something more challenging. I don't think they are difficult at all, and probably alot easier than DPNs.


I am sure you will get better; I am one of these people who flits from hobby to hobby and nothing ever really "stuck". With knitting I got frustrated, and wanted to give up so many times, but something just made me stick to it. And two years later, I am still knitting and I LOVE IT!


This is only my second time doing the SW thing - last time I got so frustrated because I really put alot of thought into it and then my switchee just sort of disappeared off the boards! This time around I am trying to be every bit as thoughtful and creative, but I just won't take things so personally. She's already posted once and seemed VERY happy about what I sent. I have two more packages to send, one just full of goofy little things that I am sending today and then a sort of "big finale" package for Halloween...except it's not all that big. Just lots of e-tailer stuff and some Halloween goodies and hopefully something handmade...if I get them done in time.


I will definitely post pics of the wrap, I did sort of, already in my blog...there are pictures of the beginnings of it and the silk I am using, but that was pre-ripping :)




What're your thoughts on cables? Easier than double points or just different or harder? I just wish I could make something prettier.


I think I really like knitting and would like to get better. I wasn't sure I'd take to it, and I still haven't finished anything, so it's hard saying, but I think I like it.


My switchee does post and she has a rather unkept-up blog, but it'd be nice to get more of a feel for her. And everyone on the thread is posting about the "big" gift they're all antsy to send, and I'm all worried, because I don't have a big gift.


You will have to post pictures of the wrap!

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