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A Rant About Money

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I am about sick of money issues coming up. I know I shouldn't be complaining, because it's not like we're starving to death or anything, but it's awfully frustrating being the only one of the three of us with any sort of income. Car insurance and gas money tacked on to everything else is just sort of almost too much to deal with. And here's the thing with insurance: My mom had been taking care of it because she had the money and it was just cheaper for her to do it for a number of reasons. Well, when we went in to have it switched over to my name, they initially quoted a rate that was within our budget, but recanted when they noticed that we didn't get the multiple car discount that my mother has. The rate they quoted then was about double the original one. We went in a couple of days ago to finish up the paperwork and when I asked for the quote again to put in my records, we were given the lower rate- which I didn't notice until we got home. I like the lower rate, but I don't want this to bite us in the ass. Do we go in and bring it up to them? Just wait on it? Oh yeah, and here's something else fun: My windshield is cracked. Got trapped behind two big semi's riding side by side, with rocks piled into the back, completely unprotected, and several of them pelted the windshield. I didn't notice the crack until this week. We can apparently get it fixed for $70, which we don't have to spare, or we can file a claim and have the insurance rate increase. Does that seem right? I'm a bit naive about insurance, apparently, but I've been exceedingly distressed since my husband told me that any claim we make will bump up our rate.


If I had the energy, I'd shriek in frustration.

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FWIW, don't depend on insurance for a repair that isn't drop-dead important that you fix -- in other words, the car won't run without the repair. Next, it depends on your deductible whether you'll pay or insurance will pay. If your deductible is $500, the $70 just goes towards your deductible, so you'll pay the $70 and it will show as a "claim" on your insurance. Does that make sense? :)


In conclusion: if it was my car and I wanted the windshield fixed, I would pay for it myself and keep the lower insurance rate. Just recently we had to pay over $400 to get a DEAD RAT out of DH's car, but since our deductible was $500 we would have to pay the $400 anyway.

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I think I'm going to end up just not getting the crack repaired for a while, which sucks. It should be illegal for those trucks to go rushing around uncovered like that.


I don't know. Money is just super stressful right now, and I'm getting more and more selfish with it because I feel like I deserve a little extra for carrying everybody (and I say that in a selfish way, because my husband isn't exactly leeching off of me. He definitely contributes in important ways to the household, but this is all new to me...) but the little extra isn't actually there to be used on a whole lot of frivolity. (Is that a word? Frivolousness? Am I making words up now? Heh.)


I feel awful today re: money, because we got some paperwork from the state disability review board for him, and they've got him scheduled for an exam so they can do a more complete review... and it's scheduled for the end of October. I was feeling so optimistic that we'd get the decision next month (in May we heard it'd be 4-6 months before we'd get it, at the soonest. It's safest to bet that it'll take longer, but...) and now I'm thinking we won't hear anything until January. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it'll be November... Anyway, I'm rambling, and this should be an entry in and of itself. But seriously, thanks for the feedback about the insurance. I think I need to review our policy. I haven't been in the right mindset to do that lately.

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