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BPAL Madness!
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London Meet 'n Sniff...

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I had such a great time at the London MnS (spelt like this because it resembles CnS...spelling it M&S makes me think of Marks and Spencers!) with twistedcoil, storme and ellemir. It's wonderful to chat BPAL-to actually talk, exchange and try out BPAL-with real human beings, makes a change from typing behind a grey box. And they were so nice! I enabled twistedcoil and got enabled-now I am hooked on Loviatar. It smells like a feminine Doc Constantine with a wonderful musk-amber going on behind the leather. I have an imp of it on the way but now I want a bottle. Mmm. We spent about two hours talking about our BPAL and loved every minute of it. It's great because my uni friends seem to be so absent these days so I had very little social contact with others during summer hols, so this was such a refreshing change. I hope to do another MnS with them again some time.


I have to say that the CD update has been one of the best my nose has ever experienced, both CD and GC scents. Stars of this round of new stuff include Moriarty, CD, Midnight/Midway, Lyonesse, Cockaigne, Three Brides, Gennivre, Candy Butcher, Uruk, Les Bijoux and much more...I'm amazed. Now that I know that my loan will come next week, I have some big orders planned...

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Just read your wee entry about our MnS! :thumbsup: Reminds me again of how much fun it was!


I'm still working my way through mainly GCs, but I'm totally in love with Rose Red (yay, discontinued!!), and Mum moon. So you were right about me getting sucked in to the LEs...hehe


How's uni going? Sorry to hear from your entry that you've felt that friends were a bit distant. You know where I am if you need a chat :)


Looking forward to the next one!


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