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Famliy Feud

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Oops. Wrong show.


Recall the comic/histrionic tableaux competing families assumed at the beginning of that old gameshow mainstay, The Family Feud. If the DarkityFam were to pose thusly, Snarky believes she and her mother would be in the shouldn't-be-funny-but-really-is Mexican standoff mutual strangle-hold position.


Of course Snarky loves DarkityMa. She is cute (her hair grew back with a vengance and is curly of all things!) and cuddly and has a wicked sense of humor. She also can't stay still without cleaning and can hold on to grudges for decades. After some of the stories her parents have told the Snarks this past weekend about DarkityPauPau (DarkityGrandma) Snarky understands where the grudge thing comes from (and is starting to understand her own inability to just. Let. It. Go.)


Still, DarkityMa made Snarky cry. Snarky is considerably quick to tears (just watch her during holiday commercials), but these were bitter, angry, angsty, uncontrollable tears that Snarky hasn't cried since probably shortly after the onset of puberty. How does she do it?


Tonight is the Snarks' last night with the DarkityFam. Right now DarkityMa and Pa are meeting with the Snarks' realtor to discuss the local housing market, and to decide whether they want to move here sooner or later. On the balance Snarky would love for her parents to move closer. But there is the niggling, teenaged part of her that chafes a little at the idea -- it is all for entirely selfish reasons. Both of them are shockingly older than Snarky remembers them, and she wants to be able to take care of them without spending a day flying down to get to them.


Another enlightening revelation from this weekend is the fact that even Snarky's parents feel a sort of disconnect with the Chinese-American communities out there. They all have a healthy appreciation for the food and culture, but don't really care so much for the people... if that makes any sense at all. Snarky has found many of her "racial" contemporaries to be rather materialistic and overly driven to max out the monetary measuring stick. The Darkity'Rents moving to Portland would appease the rest of DarkityMa's clan in the Bay Area enough (hey, they're in the same time zone at least!) and still give them enough cushion from all the daily drama. Not to mention the $$$housing costs$$$.


Along with all these eye-opening conversations have been wonderful retellings of family lore. Snarky's mother and father both come from families that were greatly affected by the Japanese occupation as well as the Cultural Revolution. Both families were at some point split up during their exodus to Hong Kong, and the struggles and horrors they faced have left scars that decorate their combined pasts just as prominently as weddings, births, graduations, and other accomplishments.


Most days Snarky lives her life in the now without any sense of her history or the larger picture. Perhaps it would be good to have the touchstones of her parents closer by so that she can keep all of those lives and stories in mind. She just needs to get thicker skin first.

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Actually, if your parents were to move to the same city, they'd eventually stop treating you like an adolescent and you'd stop feeling like one whenever they put you in the parental time warp. Plus, knowing that she'd get to see you a lot, would probably make the SnarkMother ease up just a bit. That seems to be the case with a lot of parent/child dynamics that I know.


And I'm old enough to have friends with kids who are growing up and out of the house, and I listen to my friends talk on the phone to their kids and I want to say: "Damn! Back off!" One woman in particular treated her daughter like a 25-year-old when she was 15, and now that her daughter is 20 and has moved out, she talks to her like she's 15. I don't get it, but then I'm not a parent. I was the youngest child by 10 years in my family, and I'm not sure my immediate family can yet accept that I'm an adult.


I hope the visit ends placidly and sweetly, and whatever your parents decide to do, it's workable for all of you!

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Thank you!


Valentina's perspective, as always, helps to put a better light on the situation.


The DarkityFam is making its way back to Texas for now. They had a good meeting with the realtor and even almost looked at an ideal-sounding house up the hill... but they suddenly realized that if they were to make an offer on a house now they'd also have to figure out how to move all of their stuff right away. That put the kibbosh on impulsive cross-country relocation.


The Snarks had a wonderful last dinner with them last night, and a good conversation (no more mah jong, thank goodness) afterwards. The belief now is that perhaps in the next couple-three years, the DarkityFam will make its way to the Pacific Northwest permanently, and that's find by the Snarks.


Snarky left home when she was fifteen and never really came back. Sometimes she wonders if her mother's ability to keep old grudges so strong and fresh in her mind is also what sometimes keeps her from seeing Snarky as a full-grown woman. They parted with a better understanding of eachother after their minor blow up. Perhaps both of them are maturing a bit after all.

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As usual, valentina says it better than I do: you'll always be your mom's daughter, and she may still see you as a six-year-old with gum in her hair (like me!) or a surly 15-year-old (also me!) and not as an independent *grown* woman.


Personally, moving out at 20 and moving across the country at 24 was the best thing for the relationship with my parents -- it made seeing them and talking to them more special.

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Absence really does make the heart grow fonder for the Darkities.


DarkityBro also moved out of the house at 15 and never went back. While the 'rents were still in the Southeast he managed to get into school in Illinois (his original plan was to go to Berkeley, can't get much more West than that) and is now stationed smack in downtown Chicago.


Snarky got used to being part of the family that triangulates, but she will also adjust if needed to be the daughter-just-down-the-street. But onlin if needed.

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