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BPAL Madness!
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Blogs abound. Snarky regularly rocks three (count 'em, three!) of her own (the prerequisite LJ discourse, the demographically behooved knitblog, and a fairly young SparkPeople weightloss rumination), so why another one?


Because this is so. Damn. Cool.


But, Snarky has to make it interesting, different, somehow equally relevant to the other virtual dumping grounds to her massive ego. Ergo, this experiment.


Once upon a time, she had delusions of literary grandeur. Through some overworked and convoluted logic, the BPAL Blog is going to be The Writing Blog.


And if the Hat Trick of "Snarky-Centric Script", "Aspirations of Artistry", and "Grabby Gimmick" is to be acheived.... well, ya gotta have a gimmick if ya wanna have a chance. Snarky is going for the time-tested, Bob Dole approved method of third person narration. Also possibly horrible grammer, passive (aggressive) sentence structure, and major conjunctivitis (in this case, swelling and overuse of conjunctions... not pink eye). But not dangling participles! That is something up with which Snarky will not put!


Finally, depending on mood, your humble narrator might be "Darkity" or "Snarky" or just plain little Miss Universal "S/he®".


So. All of this, plus the occasional mention of smellies to keep the blog relevant to its gracious host-body. Groovy.

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Snarky forgot to mention that she is also unashamedly yoinking the whole third person shebang from Rock Chick's knit blog. RC recently made the leap to first person, so this is a sort of posthumous homage.


Despite her moniker, Snarky sincerely hopes you are entertained by any future musings as well!

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