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BPAL Madness!
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Actual BPAL Content! Horrors!

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Much to her (and her checkbook's) chagrin, Snarky has developed a taste for LE's.


In keeping with her sporadic - if not downright sparse-to-non-existant - BPAL purchasing/swapping habits, she's probably a couple-three updates behind everyone else in the taste testing. Case and point? Her current go-to scent is Bearded Lady. Her first great love was French Creole. Luckily her day-to-day scent is the comfortably GC Tombstone (albeit combined with a breath of single note sweet clove thanks to minilux).


The Mister insists that all of her BPAL at the end of the day smells like band-aids, so this is purely an exercise in selfish hedonism for her. (Though he does respond positively to just-applied Bearded Lady. For a man indifferent to most BPAL, he sure does have rarified taste!)


Snarky's new job (which, IEEEE! :)) comes with many benefits. She keeps herself awake at night just imagining how it will feel to actually look forward to work - something she hasn't honestly done in years. But the job comes with a substantial pay cut. This is admittedly made up for by the inherent awesomeness of her new company and the possibilities that will be open to her in this new field of work, but at face value less moolah is less moolah.


And with less moolah (and the Snarks' joint checking account) Snarky is feeling the pinch on her already fairly anemic impulse buying budget.


The emergency flight Back East, her parents' impending arrival (tomorrow night!!) and the upcoming five-day cruise have and will also drain their resources a bit.


But Snarky has perspective: they are not hungry. They are not drowning in debt. She has plenty of clothes and yarn and, to be honest, BPAL to last quite a while. She could make a large (for her) order and not break the bank.


Still... she wants to celebrate her new direction. So she's going to make a list. It isn't a wishlist so much as a... well, it's just a list. Sometimes Snarky just has to indulge her Cappy tendencies and organize her pipe dreams.


slipped through the fingers

-Hungry Ghost Moon

-Chrysanthemum Moon


constant craving



goin' a-courtin'

-Mme. Moriarty

-Organ Grinder

-Pumpkin Queen

-Count Dracula

-Wilhelmina Murray, maybe (Snarky is, after some fashion, named after this character, afterall - but currants + Snarky = weird fruitiness)

-Dr. John Seward


Ugh. Snarky is really not trying to make this some whiny-pantsed post. She is thrilled to pieces that the Lab continues to mesmerize and delight (exponentially it seems lately). So she'll settle for being happy for everyone who is taking part (and maybe she'll sneak in a wee ickle order of her own under The Mister's nose... so to speak.)

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Congrats on the new job! :eek: If you're doing something you love, hopefully the money will follow. It sounds like you know what-all you have on your plate financially.

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Snarky got the job! Snarky got the job! Yipee! Congratulations. Looking forward to going to work is a wonderful form of compensation, in itself.

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Congratulations Lady! Whoo hoo! And Double whoo hoo for having yarn and food in the house. What more could you need?? Er, except the BPALs of course and I totally feel ya on that one. I am dying to try the swarzerhausermoon or whatever it is called :eek:

So, what is it that you are doing? Have you mentioned it before and I am just either blind or I skim and miss things? Or is it all secret-y secret?

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:eek: Snarky's new job is as an office monkey for the sales department of a manufacturer of art supplies. Eventually she wants to work her way up and in to a new department they are developing that would bring her architectural training in to play.


From all accounts, this is a good company to work for, that encourages personal growth in its employees and tends to promote from within. Again, IEEEE!


The engineers at the Cracker Factory have been giving Snarky and extremely hard time, though. She tempted to skip out on a few days of her two week notice to spent time with her parents. Even if they revert back to being snippity and guilt-trippy it would be better than the constant ribbing she's been getting. It's like they're going through the five stages of grief!

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