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Wagons East

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The Mister's maternal grandmother passed away yesterday. She had been slowly leaving this world for the past two years, but this weekend was her final exit. By all accounts she most likely died in her sleep after they unhooked her from life support.


The Mister had already said good bye to her long before all this. The Snarks went to see her when they visited Back East last fall, but she was hardly the woman they knew even from just six months before their last visit.


They already remember her from a more vibrant time. They are going back not so much to conjure up those memories, but to provide support to the MIL and The Mister's uncle.


They are also going to see their third niece for the first time.


The Snarks knew this was an inevitability (the MIL has been preparing them for this for the last five years) but still can't help but feel a little taken by surprise. This also completely negates any plans they might have had to visit around Christmastime as they have already booked up the rest of their time off with the DarkityFam in mid-September (the vacation AKA Hurricanes Ahoy! 2006).


Snarky will most likely be incommunicado from tomorrow through Sunday when she returns. They will have two days to prepare the house for the week-long visit of her parents starting next Wednesday.


And before they go, Snarky has a second interview at one of her Dream Companies tomorrow. Plenty of things to keep them from getting morbid/morose.

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I am sorry to hear of the Mister's grandmother's passing...my thoughts are with you guys...


Also...good luck with your interview! Let us know how it goes!

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I am sorry to hear of the Mister's grandmother's passing...my thoughts are with you guys...


Also...good luck with your interview! Let us know how it goes!


Thank you for your sympathies. She was a strong, hard-headed woman. One whom Snarky wishes she could've gotten to know better before her long decline. Snarky will probably post some of her recipies in memoriam later on, though not the sauerkraut pie recipe. That woman had a wicked sense of culinary humor/efficiency.


Snarky is overly excited about the interview. She really needs to calm her s*** down before she starts to emit high frequencies. The position is as the assistant to the sales department of a manufacturer of raw materials for almost strictly artistic things. A far, and yet not-so-far departure from The Bakery.

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Is this the grandma who do something like take used motor oil to burn her garbage, or something of the sort? I know you told a story like that a while back, and I have such a wonderfully vivid image of an older woman doing something like that; you don't know whether to call it utterly intrepid or goofy or a bit of both. Anyway, I am sorry to hear of the loss; times like this are never easy, no matter how much it was expected. I hope your trip back east is a safe one and the family-related trauma is held to a minimum.


And good, excellent, superb-o luck tomorrow in the interview! I am pulling for you, I hope it goes beautifully, and I'm sure you will do a lovely job.


We'll miss you! Take care of yourselves and wave if you fly over Nebraska!

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I'm sorry you and The Mister have to go through this ;) Been there, done that, with both sides of the family. No matter how much "advance notice" there is, it's still hard to deal with and you'll be a welcome, stable support to those who need it Back East.


On a lighter note, please post any wacky recipes from Grandma! My sis put together a recipe book after Grandma passed away and there are some hilarious ones, including Bologna Cake. Yes, you layer bologna like a cake with mayonnaise, and cover with crushed potato chips. People sure ate weird in the '50s :lol:

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Is this the grandma who do something like take used motor oil to burn her garbage, or something of the sort? I know you told a story like that a while back, and I have such a wonderfully vivid image of an older woman doing something like that; you don't know whether to call it utterly intrepid or goofy or a bit of both. Anyway, I am sorry to hear of the loss; times like this are never easy, no matter how much it was expected. I hope your trip back east is a safe one and the family-related trauma is held to a minimum.


And good, excellent, superb-o luck tomorrow in the interview! I am pulling for you, I hope it goes beautifully, and I'm sure you will do a lovely job.


We'll miss you! Take care of yourselves and wave if you fly over Nebraska!


Thank you! Yes indeed. Grandmother S is that very same ruthlessly efficient/off her rocker lady who used to start her burn pile with old jugs of used motor oil she kept in one of the many outbuildings on her property.


She also made surprisingly intricate Christmas ornaments with bits of ribbon, sequins, and pearl-ended pins (hat pins, maybe)?


A woman of many rough and smooth surfaces.


Again, thank you for your well wishes (also for the interview which is in *gulp* four and a half hours). They are greatly appreciated.


I'm sorry you and The Mister have to go through this ;) Been there, done that, with both sides of the family. No matter how much "advance notice" there is, it's still hard to deal with and you'll be a welcome, stable support to those who need it Back East.


On a lighter note, please post any wacky recipes from Grandma! My sis put together a recipe book after Grandma passed away and there are some hilarious ones, including Bologna Cake. Yes, you layer bologna like a cake with mayonnaise, and cover with crushed potato chips. People sure ate weird in the '50s :lol:


;) Snarky doubts she can top a Bologna Cake. That is... something else! There is strawberry-pretzel pie, blueberry yum-yum, and persimmon pudding, but none have quite the sublime savory resonance of a potato-chip incrusted tower of fats and proteins. ;)


Snarky just hopes she can keep the, er, snark to a minimum while she is Back East. She loves her in-laws but they sure are an eccentric bunch.

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Dude, you *must* post the recipe for blueberry yum-yum!


I know it's a hard situation to deal with, and you and Mr. Snarky have hugest hugs from me.

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Dude, you *must* post the recipe for blueberry yum-yum!


I know it's a hard situation to deal with, and you and Mr. Snarky have hugest hugs from me.


The Snarks are back! Thank you, antimony as well as everyone else, for the well wishes.


The Mister is currently napping fitfully upstairs and Snarky is catching up on correspondences... one of which was an invitation to start working the new job in a couple of weeks!!!


It was good to catch up with family and to say final goodbyes. Snarky is still happy to be back home, though.

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