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The Blackening

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(New pics posted in Snarky's BPAL Member Gallery. She's having trouble linking to them directly ATM.)


Snarky has posted picks of The Blackening.


The dining room was originally a cranberry red, which looked very striking next to the neutral gray of the living room.


Then the Snarks up and painted the living room candy apple green. In combination with the red, they were then faced with Christmas on Acid.


So... they decided to put down an equally bright and cheery orange to complement the green only... it didn't. At all.


Then The Mister, the normally non-gothy of the two Snarks, had a brainstorm: paint it BLACK.


The Snarks had a gallon of matte black pain on hand to use as a base coat to the blood red they are planning for the basement AV room.


After minor cajoling ("It'll look crisp against the white trim and green w/red accents theme of the living room! There will be so many pieces of art and state plates on the wall the black will look like a framing device!") Snarky agreed and now they have a BLACK dining room.


Snarky is now considering a recycled antler chandelier as well. (only not really) (maybe?)

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