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BPAL Madness!
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--We've continued to go to estate sales every weekend, but I haven't bought much. Last weekend I bought a couple of vintage bandanas for $1, and when we got in the car and I rolled one up and put it on my head, DH made a face and said he was never a fan of the bandana. Yes, they're pretty frumpy-looking, especially because I'm no expert putting them on, but I like the retro-cowgirl-housewife look so I wore one to work last week anyway. Yeehaw!


--We went to a few sales yesterday and DH got a boss pair of binoculars for $15 -- they were in the original '60s or '70s case and he can use them the next time he gets nosebleed Mavericks tickets. The houses were cool though; another was an updated bungalow which was rehabbed and for sale (not a technical Estate Sale, she was a flipper) but she wanted way too much for it, considering it was next to a couple of skeevy-looking duplexes and apartment buildings.


--I went to a BPAL Meet-n-Sniff on Saturday, which was a blast. I posted already in another thread, but it's so great to be able to talk about notes and scents and just how crazy this hobby/obsession can be. I know DH just rolls his eyes at times when I'm babbling about LEs and evil carnivals and monthly orders, but everyone at a Meet-n-Sniff gets all that.


It was 4 of us: one gal brought a whole box of Villainess soaps so she could slice off samples, I brought a bag of frimps I was saving for everyone to paw through and take new things to try, and everyone had new GCs and LEs to sniff and test. This was the 3rd one I've attended and I hope everyone had a good time.

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I was totally thinking "Why the heck would she want vintage bananas? That's.... kind of squishy, right?" :lol:


Time for some caffeine, me thinks.


I enjoy the MnS's too... but since I'm a much slower acquirer of la BPAL (I'm more of a Reduce-Reuse-Recycle enthusiast than a make-monthly-order-er) I don't have much to bring to the table other than small containers of coffee beans and my rapier wit. Still, it's fun being around like-minded folks for a change.

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Hee! I wondered if I was spelling "bandana" correctly -- is it "bandanna"? It's not banndana, that looks funky :lol: Maybe it's just "handkerchief you wear on your head."

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